Demm's 20G Long

First off i wanna say -Nemo- you are an absolutely horrible influence! your suggestion is FORCING me to go to the store tomorrow to get another ocellaris. every since you said that i walk by my lone clownfish and feel sorry for it lol. i even looked at it last night and said "-nemo- was right huh?" so we'll see if they have one the same size as the one i have. of my favorite fish from my last of the ugliest, but i love it. A starry blenny (Salarias ramosus)....can my 20g long support it? most of the sites say at least 30g, but i'm hoping that since a 20g long has the same footprint as a 29g i'd be ok?

btw not to kiss your butt or anything, but i hope one day my tank looks like the one in your's simply amazing
"-nemo- was right huh?" so we'll see if they have one the same size as the one i have.

Yeah, she usually is but dont tell her too often or her head will swell :lol: One point, get a clown smaller than the one you have :good: not the same size

Seffie x
Well i got my 2nd clown fish. Just put him in there right now. I couldnt find a smaller one...the one i got is a bit bigger. Well the one i had in there doesnt seem quite to excited. At first he tried to "tip" the new one over from above. Then every few minutes he would mock charge and stop right before it. All that stopped after about 5 minutes. They werent hurting each other or anything like that. The smaller on kinda swims on its side above the new one buy thats about it. I dont know if they are just trying to gain domenance? the new clownfish is real passive about the smaller fish. Doesnt run away or attack. Just sits there lol
haha! I try my best :p

Clowns have a curious relationship and even more curious behavior. You will sometime soon see them start to establish dominance, but it should be nothing to worry about. They will charge, as you're seeing, and they may even go after each other and looking like they're fighting. I see this all the time with my young ones. My general rule is, their scruffles and wrestling is usually harmless. It's only if you see physical damage being done when you should be worried.

You will also start to see one or the other, or both, laying on their sides and maybe twitching to the other one. The one twitching is showing sub-ordinance to the other. The larger one you have will likely become the dominant, female clown as he has the advantage of being larger.

Now I need a new picture of the pair :)
well they seem to have settled down already. i fed them, and they ate side by side, never attacked each other during the process. and now they follow each other around the tank. they are currently sleeping next to each other as well lol.

here are some pictures. i'll warn you they arent very good quality. the light i have on there sucks real bad like i said. it's a very make shift light until my new one ships in, so bare with me lol

ok i went to the store and i didnt want just an ocellaris...i wanted one that looked unique in my eyes...and found one i did. it's lighter orange. it looks like it has red eyes in the water, and the band around it's tail doesnt connect on the sides. it gives it personality i think :)

in the bag aclimating:


In the tank together:




oh -Nemo- i wanted to ask (or anyone that can answer). I am wanting to get a Bubble Tip Anemone for the clownfish. Will i be alright with the 96 watt T5 for it?
I really like the way you've set this one up. Your clowns look relaxed and healthy, pretty much paired up. Once your rock goes live I can see corals all over this tank even more colourful than -Nemo-'s :rolleyes: lol
Are you adding any of your LR from other setups or just buying new pieces?

Keep the pictures rolling in, looking good :good:
unfortunetly i dont have any other saltwater tanks right now to take live rocks from. i did buy once piece from my LFS, however it was just a 2 pound piece. all the rest are dead rock. I am waiting for a local person to write me back. they are breaking down their tank and is supposed to give me some live rock from her tank. if not then i will be trying to get some "used" live rock from someone breaking down their tank instead of going to the LFS. To be honest i really only want about 2 or 3 more pieces of rock. I'm thinking of stacking them a bit on the left side, and leaving the right side open with the branch rock like it is. or making an island in the middle and have the two sides and fron open, and eventually put some ricodeas and maybe some mushrooms in the sand, and a couple other things here and there. and of course some stuff on the rocks as well. I guess if i'm gonna get a bubble tip, i'll have to add that first...let it walk around until it's satisfied and hope that it'll never move lol. i used to have a condy anemone that was an angel. never moved, never stungy anything (that i saw anyways). so i'm hoping that my experiance will be the same with the BTA as well lol. but one can only hope!

i do hope the clowns will be happy together, they look like they will be fine. it's so wierd the new clownfish is very relax and "playing it cool" kinda fish. when i scouped it out of the bag with the net, it didnt even fight it. it swam into the net, and layed there and waited. didnt move at all. i put the net gently into the water, and it kinda just floated above the net, and just stayed there. i moved the net from under it and out of the tank and it never moved. i leaned down to look in the tank, and it swam up to my face and stayed there lol. so i'd like to think thats a good sign. as for the other's definately a chicken sh...poop rofl

as always the pictures will keep rolling in as soon as i get stuff in!

i also tested the water again before i got the new clown just to be on the safe side

ammonia: 0
nitrites: 0
nitrates: between 5 and 10ppm

i have a couple other test kits as well. cant remember what they are. i was only worried about these 3 for now. but i'll post those as well once i get a chance.
Aww quite the cute couple.

A RBTA should do perfectly well under those lighting but beware! I don't know what sized tank you had before but most anemones can/will get very large. Since your tank is relatively small, you may have troubles down the road.
i had a 55g before. that was one of my other concerns was that it was going to get to big. i guess i'll thinking it over. the clown in my other tank hosted in the frogspawn and torch that i maybe these will to. or would there be a better substitute in your opinion for them instead of a bubbletip?
Yes, just about any euphyilla will do well or some soft corals like anthelia, xenia. Some clowns even choose long polyped toadstools. Mine personally have been hosting my anthelia (bottom right of the tank) for years. Only reason why I let it get so wild, they don't like it when I try to trim it.
Well i was bored, so i decided to test with all the test that i have lol

heres what i got:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5-10ppm
Calcium: 580-600 mg/L (ppm)
KH: 14dKH (250.6 ppm)

hopefully they are acceptable conditions? This week i once i get my light in i will be adding a couple of corals. For sure some GSP if i can find some, and maybe some zoo's. And i'll see about what else lol
Levels looks great. Are you dosing anything that's making your calcium and alkalinity so high or is just that high? The levels they're at now aren't a problem just want to make sure they aren't going to keep going up :p
nope i actually havent added or dosed anything to get these levels. i noticed they were a little high lol. i've been using r/o water the whole time, i did do one water change (about 5 gallons) with just regular tap water cause i didnt have any r/o on hand lol. our water is kinda messed up here, so that's probably what buffed it. It shouldnt go up to much anymore...i hope lol. i'll have to monitor it :good:

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