Deltec Nano, Sugestion's


Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
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I've been keeping F/W for over 20 yeras and now want to try doing a maine setup.

I've seen a loverly Deltec set up

localy, brand new and very cheep, dose anyone who have these setup's think their any good?
It has all the equipment, skimmer, U.V., chemical, boilogical filters, heater's, 2 T5 lamps built in cooler etc etc

For the money it seams to good...
Will have to think about extra's or upgrading?

I've got a eheim 2028 i can use as well will i need it?


That looks exactly like the jbj Nano cube that I have, I bet that the pic is a ripoff of their add because the stand is even identical to the stand that jbj sells. I payed way less than that for my tank from an LFS, I've heard that they can be had for even less on eBay as well so check there.

I love the tank, (I've seen others that look nicer from different makers) but this tank is really good. The mechanical filtration can be yanked out and the chambers can be filled with LR rubble and Macroalgae for a refugium like effect, the lighting system is great for the price, the 50/50's can do most LPS and softies. And the tank just looks cool. I highly reccomend it, but not for that price. Look for a jbj cube instead of a deltech (I'm just wary of some sort of knockoff or scam here) you'll do well to check ebay for it. You'll only need an additional powerhead for water circulation as the stock pump is a bit on the weak side.

Well, those cube tanks all look very similar and to be honest, I'm pretty sure thats a good price for a cube tank in the UK. Hopefully someone that lives on your side of the pond can confirm that, but I think its a pretty goo ddeal just by lookin at it.
It has all the equipment, skimmer, U.V., chemical, boilogical filters, heater's, 2 T5 lamps built in cooler etc etc

Hi...I had trouble loading that page. Half the equipment above is unnecessary. You don't need a UV filter. You don't need skimmer if the volume is 20G's and under.

I always tell people that you really just can't beat a simple 20G long. It is so flexible for any design and lighting. If you like the cube design and you are willing to either be limited to the initial setup or do a ton of mods like my tank has, than you can go for it. However, you are realling paying out for stuff you don't need. I don't recommend to ANYONE to put a UV sterilizer on a nano tank. My tank ran forever without a skimmer. Regular frequent water changes do the trick.


That seems like a good price to me, I spent months researching these before I purchased my one and it's sad to say but here in the UK we do get ripped off for absolutly everything so I'm sure you can get them cheaper in America but by the time customs sting you on import tax it ends up being the same price as buying it here.

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