Fish Herder
I'm sorry, Tropical Fish 4 U are well known for mislabelling plecs, and the pic they have above the listing for "Leopard Plec" is a gibby, which will grow to 18"+. Yet again they have them mislabelled (or wrong pic). If the fish you bought matches the picture, it's definitely not the "hypostomus punctatus" they have them listed as, and is a gibby.
Wish they'd sort their act out, it's terrible. I've emailed them in the past about it and they continue to put the wrong names and sizes, obviously to sell more.
Edited to add: They've got common labelled as "Clown Sucker Plec - Hypostomus punctatus" too. How irresponsible can these people get
Edited to add: They've got common labelled as "Clown Sucker Plec - Hypostomus punctatus" too. How irresponsible can these people get