Some Help With My Goldfish

You will be very lucky to get your lfs to take the goldfish off your hands. In the Uk they are not ment to take them in as they are a higher risk on infection than tropical fish.

The cycle was ment to be used with a filter sorrif that was not clear.
You will be very lucky to get your lfs to take the goldfish off your hands. In the Uk they are not ment to take them in as they are a higher risk on infection than tropical fish.

The cycle was ment to be used with a filter sorrif that was not clear.

Well it seems my younger brother knows someone with a pond who would take him, quite sad really as im quite attached to him and all though he seems happy and care free its probably not the case :(

Ive seen this filter

But im not sure on it and also where I would get replacment filter foam in the future.
Failing that theres some of the ones on like a Fluval 1 plus for £13

Hope they would be ok.
Why not check out the local papers for 2nd hand, some peeps maybe happy to get rid of bulky tanks cheap.
Guess it realy depends how much room you have for one.

Tell you what, if you get one big enough i will throw you my Fluval 4+ (good fo upto 35gallons) with some spare sponges/filter media.
I got the Fluval for a pond which wasn't really up to the task.
If the pond re-homing doesn't work out then I have an alternative tank for your goldfish that can be found in wilkinsons and is far bigger than those little hex tanks ( a waste of money IMO )


They sell them in Wilkos and the biggest I've seen costs about a fiver and looks to hold about 20 gallons. Big deep clear plastic thing with a lid. The plastic may not be a sparklingly clear as tank glass, but it will hold your goldfish more comfortably for a few months and will easily serve for a tank until you can either get a 55 gallon tank or find a pond for him.

Just get yourself a fluval filter ( size 3 or larger), or a big Whisper filter , fit it to the inside of the plastic tub as you would with any tank and cut a hole in the edge of the plastic lid for the wire to come out . Drill a few holes in the lid itself also to allow oxygen in to circulate with the water, and make sure the outflow pipe/nozzle on the filter is near the water's surface so that it's always moving ( allows better oxygen exchange ) .

Just set the tub up with gravel, plants and ornaments the same way you would a glass tank, and that should work just fine as a temporary home. Do the usual 25% water changes every week. Cheap and easy.
Why not check out the local papers for 2nd hand, some peeps maybe happy to get rid of bulky tanks cheap.
Guess it realy depends how much room you have for one.

Tell you what, if you get one big enough i will throw you my Fluval 4+ (good fo upto 35gallons) with some spare sponges/filter media.
I got the Fluval for a pond which wasn't really up to the task.

Oh wow that would be great. I did have a search a while back when I was actively looking for a tank
Also I did see one of those giant tubs in pound stretcher and thought it might work as a tank.
Yep good stuff, they don't look as pretty as a tank, but they hold far more water than those wilko things.

You could possibly keep a single male betta in the wilko tank when the goldfish has gone. Since he's been in it for this long the tank may well be nearly cycled in terms of the filter . All you'd need to add for the betta would be a heater and some soft silk plants ( do a water change before adding a fish ) .
Yep good stuff, they don't look as pretty as a tank, but they hold far more water than those wilko things.

You could possibly keep a single male betta in the wilko tank when the goldfish has gone. Since he's been in it for this long the tank may well be nearly cycled in terms of the filter . All you'd need to add for the betta would be a heater and some soft silk plants ( do a water change before adding a fish ) .

Yeah sounds good :)
Anyideas where I could pick up a small heater that would be suitable for the tank? Ive read people seem to find them for $5 in America but no such luck over here in ye olde England

Edit: Found a I can get

Superfish Aquarium Heater 50 watt with Heater Guard to protect fish from being burnt
£9.95 - Quantity: 1 - In Stock
Condition: new
Sold by: Luscombe Water Gardens

Aqua Flow Mini Internal Aquarium Filter 300L/hr
£5.95 - Quantity: 1 - In Stock
Condition: new

So just over £18 for both. Any idea on the quality of either thing and wether they would be worth buying seeing as I have till monday to find the right things
If this is for the wilko tank then they sound ok. I have never heard of either brand though so I couldn't tell you if they are actually any good. I've always used Interpet or Elite heaters and Fluval and Eheim filters. The only filter exception being my mother's 5 gallon Betta tank ( similar to the wilko one but bigger ) which has it's own gentle filter built into the lid.

Doesn't the tank have a filter in the lid? I thought it did.
Nope its just a sort of lined lid with a plexi glass type centre for opening for feeding and I cut a 5mm hole in the far corner for the air pump tube to run into.

It could just aswell be used for a hamster or something like that. I suppose I could hacksaw off a section to create room for an external side heater.

/go back to hunting for 2nd hand tanks :p
Ohhh developments.

Managed to find 3 FOOT Tropical Fish Tank, With Stand-(Beech Wood colour) With Lid, Light, Heater, Filter, Air Pump/Air Stone and a few ornaments, All In VGC

for £30! thats like £12 more than a filter and heater lo :D

Heres hoping I can get it and it would fit through my bedroom door :)
Ohhh developments.

Managed to find 3 FOOT Tropical Fish Tank, With Stand-(Beech Wood colour) With Lid, Light, Heater, Filter, Air Pump/Air Stone and a few ornaments, All In VGC

for £30! thats like £12 more than a filter and heater lo :D

Heres hoping I can get it and it would fit through my bedroom door :)

Nice 1 :good:

Good luck with it.
Wow that's great, I got my 3 foot tank at a car boot for 22 quid with an Eheim external filter for £22 :hyper: Second hand is the way to go! :good:

What will you put in it? Any ideas yet ?
Wow that's great, I got my 3 foot tank at a car boot for 22 quid with an Eheim external filter for £22 :hyper: Second hand is the way to go! :good:

What will you put in it? Any ideas yet ?

Not a clue to be honest. Not even sure of the water capacity :S I think its roughly 110 liters but could be wrong.

For the time being my gold fish will be in it then im not really sure.

Maybe some female betas, some kind of bottom dweller tbh I have no clue but its fun to be able to have such a big choice :D
Don't get common plecs or Clown loaches in terms of bottom dwellers, 3 foot long isn't big enough by far.

You would be ok with a bristlenose plec, or a gaggle of Cories or loaches. A group of female bettas would look great in there. :good:

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