Death And Destruction


I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
I have a 30g tank with the following:
2 male Fancy guppies
6 female fancy guppies
1 angelfish
5 black Phantom Tetra's
A few convict fry( to be moved when big enough to be caught!)
1 Blood Parrot( to be moved when it get's to big for the tank)

I also have a 20gallon Flat Hexagon Tank with:
Alot of baby Convict's
4 baby platies

My Community tank has ich. The Male mollie is the first one to show real problem's. Then i had a female guppie die today, which leaves me with 6 female's. I also have a male Platy Showing Problem's. I am currently Treating with CopperSafe.

My con/random fry tank. I have fry with on eye cover in a white mass.It kill's them in 2-3 day's. I am treating with Melafix + CopperSafe, as i am unsure what is wrong.

I also have a female black molly in the community tank with a huge bubble of a eye. Not pop eye, as it look's like there is a white contact len's on it. I am not sure what's wrong, so im hopeing that the CopperSafe will help!

Keep me in your thought/prayer's/whatever and hope i get through this will little to no losses.
Did you separte the affected ones from the healthy ones yet? That is the most important thing to do before you start treatment.
Hi kribensis12

I'm sorry to learn about your problems. Sometimes things like this happen, no matter how conscientious a fishkeeper you are.

The first, and perhaps the most important thing you must do is get a correct diagnosis. Are you sure the fish in your 30 gallon tank have ich? I ask this because the chances of having two tanks with different problems is less than if they have the same thing. Ich looks like salt sprinkled over the fish, but what you are describing also sounds like some kind of bacterial problem. If it is, it could display a variety of symptoms (including white patches) and could spread from one tank to the other, so take special care to avoid cross contamination.

Ich is usually treated by increasing the temperature. While treating a bacterial infection, you will want to keep the water to no higher than 75 degrees F., if possible.

Have you checked your water parameters lately? What's the temperature of your tanks? What kind of substrate do you have? Is is possible that uneaten food is becoming lodged between bits of the substrate and polluting the water? (This is especially apt to happen in a fry tank.)

While MelaFix is a mild anti-bacterial, it will not work miracles. If you have fish dying, the situation is likely to require stronger medication. I would suggest getting it out of the water so you can proceed with something stronger, if it proves necessary.

Good luck to you and your fish. I hope they get well quickly.
The male black Mollie, has little salt sprinkles on him. Im posotive that it is ich, and it has been getting better since yesterday. Also, i am thinking of putting the female moly in the fry tnak as i dont have enoguh melafix for both tank's. As far as the fry tank. I will tell you what happen's every time. First, their eye get's all white. Have you ever put Hydrogyn Proxide on a cut? And it bubble's up? That is what the eye look's like. Then the eye get's bigger. They start to have swimming problem's, and quit eating. Then right beofre they die, they lean against the wall.

I havent not moved any fish, as most are guppies, and are guppies around here are very fragile.
Female Black Mollie seem's to have a white stomach. Dosent look like fungus. Water Quality is fine.
Could you post pictures of the sick fishes? It sounds like flukes or parasites maybe but without a picture it would be hard to say. What are all the symptoms of the fish?
Here is a link with some good info for fish disease maybe this might help:
I cant get pic's off my camera, it wont let me. Here is a update from the original crisis.
Male molly appear's to be fine
Angel's parasite fell of today
Female Molly's contact len's thing came off
Convict's are gettign worse
Female Guppies skin is turning white, kinda like that part of her died. This is affecting 2 differnet fish( what is it?).
Is the fish showing any other signs like unusual swimming behaviour,spinal curvature,finfot,scratching on rocks,rapid gill movements or anything weird like that. Is the female guppy skin white or more of a grey color? Have the fish been laying on the bottom at all?
Thank's Chessy Feet!!! None of those seem to sound like it. It is white, and whatever it is, seem's to be moving back toward's the fin. She is having increased rate of gill function( ever since i moved her), and she is swimming wierd( this started happening since i moved her). I have only seen this affect guppies. Never any other fish. I looked up guppy disease, but it didnt sound like it. Also, another female guppy is starting to get like this. Now both tank's are memdicated in Melafix, and CopperSafe. I am going to try to pick up some PrimaFix today. I dont think the guppies are gonna make it!
I am going to call this "White Disease" since i have no idea what it is. White disease has now infected 4 guppies. Also, is it possible for a guppy to have birthing issues, as my guppy is giving birth, and it look's like she has one stuck.

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