Death And Destruction

Hi Krib12

I have nothing useful to offer you I'm afraid. I'm pretty new to fishkeeping. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for your fish losses, we've been battleing with a particularly strong strain of whitespot while you've been dealing with your stuff so I really sympathise!

Good luck with the rest.
Welcome, :hi: and sorry to hear about your whitespot.
Wleocme, and i am also sorry to hear about your whitespot! I am thinking at least you can tell what your fish have! Try turning the heat up, use CopperSafe, and all should be well. I was told on another forum, that Bad Bacteria like Copper? I dosed the tank with CopperSafe a while ago, and nothing has happend the the afflicted fish. So, can i still dose the convict tank since i overdosed it yesterday? Or wait till tommorow?
I'm sorry your having a hard time with your fish! This is what I know about CopperSafe. Copper is a pesticide and minor overdoses are deadly for fish. Use the recommended dose until symptoms are completely gone, and then a couple more days, just in case. Don't add more each day -- just add it once it is a type of medicine that works by always being in the water, it doesn't evaporate out or anything. That dose will simply stay in the water until you change the water. Then you add the new proper dose to the water you are adding. I learned this the hard way. The one I used was called Aquarisol but it does not contain the safer type of copper and it could lead to copper poisoning. CopperSafe has the safer type of copper but I think if I remember correctly that it remains active in the water for over a month. So be careful not to overdose I don't know if it will lead to copper poisoning like the Aquarisol but I wouldn't take any chances with it. I hope you find out what is wrong with your fish. Good luck. I hope this helps some anyway.
I over dosed on the Pimfix, not the CopperSafe. Could i add a dose of the pimafix today? Or should i wait till tommorow?
Post a picture, or a link to a pic that looks the same or similar.

Pimafix is a mild antibiotic, you may in effect be trying to cure an infection with something way too weak.
If it is a mild antibiotic, then why is it so expensive???? I will look for pic's online!

EDIT: Nothing online look's like what my fish has( as far as the eye, and white body goes).
I lost 4 more guppies. I took them to petsmart, and bout a female black molly, who is going to drop any day, i put her in my quarenteen//fry tank. I also bought some Nutrafin Siprulina Flake's to boost what fish i have left's immunity. Still having problem's with the convict's.
Wleocme, and i am also sorry to hear about your whitespot! I am thinking at least you can tell what your fish have! Try turning the heat up, use CopperSafe, and all should be well. I was told on another forum, that Bad Bacteria like Copper? I dosed the tank with CopperSafe a while ago, and nothing has happend the the afflicted fish. So, can i still dose the convict tank since i overdosed it yesterday? Or wait till tommorow?

Malachite green may be another option.

Sorry, haven't a clue whats going on, but if Coppersafe is failing, try, maybe, antifungal. If not that, you may want to try antiparasitic.
I culled about 50+ of them today and did a 50% water change as advised on another site. I am thinking the convict's might have eye Fluke's. What do you guy's think? Here is something about Eye Fluke's : The eye fluke has a complex life cycle with a water snail (Lymnaea) acting as one of the intermediate hosts. Larval parasites - cercariae - are released from the snails and actively seek out fish which act as the second intermediate host and it is this invasion of cercariae which can cause such extensive damage in the fish. The snails can release millions of cercariae over a very short period of time resulting in an overwhelming invasion of the fish. The cercariae mostly penetrate through the flank of the fish, often along the lateral line and this can be seen grossly as extensive haemorrhagic lesions and, if you run your finger over the flank of the fish you can feel a rough, sandpaper-like, effect where the parasites enter the skin.

Quite frequently a farmer will see fish affected with an acute haemorrhagic syndrome and assume it is a serious bacterial infection and some outbreaks have certainly been mistaken for bacterial disease in the past. On it's migration through the tissues of the fish to it's final destination in the eye, the parasites cause severe damage and this results in the affected fish swimming abnormally (often side swimming), becoming dark, lethargic, off their food and often rapidly developing serious spinal deformities. There is a rapid escalation of fish losses due to this extensive tissue damage. The parasites move quickly through the fish to the eye and the microscopic examination of fresh eye squashes will show high levels of the fluke - in fact, if you still have good eyesight yourself, the flukes are visible to the naked eye when you squash a fish eye onto a microscope slide. Surviving fish are often in a very poor state, susceptible to secondary fungal and bacterial disease and frequently totally blind.

Note: The problem begain after i added a plant with some feeder snail's on it.

They babies swam adbnormally before death.

Lfs thought it might have been bacterial

Afflicted babies appeared darker.

Sounds like it to me! What do you guy's think? Would my Quick Cure work ? It says that it can handle MILD FLUKE OUTBREAK'S. Do you think my case is "Mild"?
I have no clue, but if you really really think it is flukes, all the sympyoms fit, nothing out of place, then yes, treat for flukes. Sorry treatment is so tough, you have a hard case. Hope This Helps(HTH).
Praziquantel is one of the best meds for flukes, it is much easier buying a product such as Prazipro, as the powder form must be mixed with ethyl alcohol. Copper will take out some forms, but with tougher cases go with prazi. This is a product folks importing wild caught cichlids, especially discus, use as a part of their worming procedure.
I would certainly try it if it's paid for. One ounce of Prazipro is about $4 online, and treats 120 gallons.

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