Dealing with pest snails!

It won't hurt the tigers to eat cucumber or lettuce, but you'll probably find they leave it pretty much alone, though they will have a peck at it. Mine love the tomato I put in for my plec and snails (I like snails, I feed mine :blush: )
It won't hurt the tigers to eat cucumber or lettuce, but you'll probably find they leave it pretty much alone, though they will have a peck at it. Mine love the tomato I put in for my plec and snails (I like snails, I feed mine :blush: )

Phew that's a relief! Shall try it out one of these days and see if it works. I really dislike the snails :shout: (I've tried feeding my pleco but he doesn't seem to notice the food...)
I purchased 10x Assasin Snails off the net, and within a week, my tank was rid of snails (except the Assasin's), also they breed very slowly, and when they do, you can sell them on!

I had all different types, mostly Tadpole Snails and MTS.
If anyone wants to dispose of a few snails, let me know! Shoot me a pm and I'm willing to take em off your hands haha
Is it strange that I'm in a dilemma - I don't want to kill innocent snails, yet they're definitely breeding in my tanks...... =/
Julidochromis marlieri loves to eat the little MTS, a breeding pair in my 55 helps keep my MTS population very under control. :good:
For what it's worth, black phantom tetras appear to like eating common pond snail eggs - when they spot them. They don't seem to see them very easily but when they do they will pluck at them until the whole blob is eaten. I wouldn't think it's a very efficient method of control though.
Sorry it took so long to reply to your post, westmidsgal!
Assassin's aren't likely to kill an apple snail, but it has been known for them to hunt and attack apples.
Not worth the risk, IMO.
If you have the right an amazon puffer it will decimate the snail population.  I don't recommend adding one just to deal with snails though. 
Do please excuse my invading, but I greatly respect snails.  I removed these "pests" from my sister's tank and they now take up residence in their own little tank in my room, which is precisely why I joined the forum.
(Yes, I am a minor, which accounts for my being crazy).  
But of course, it's a lot different when you have a small outbreak like that in her tank.  Outbreaks of hundreds like you are describing would be quite a bit different.
Meet Bob, George, Shawn, Caspian, Georgina, and Jasper.
I have a "pest" snail that's become a beautiful ramshorn in my shrimp tank. But this is a single snail, that means it's incapable of reproduction. If you have quite a few, they'll get up there in numbers without too much help. If you get even one assassin snail, you would wipe out the entire population with time. There's a fine balance of controlling their population. 
Did you have any particular questions or just wanted to make an introduction?  :p Pics are always welcome too.
I don't like pest snails either. If they didn't breed so fast it wouldn't be an issue.  Assassins are the way to go. They are nice looking and 1 for every 5 gallons of tank will get the population under control in less than a month. I had a huge infestation in both my FW tanks.
I just simply picked them out either when I saw a bunch and when I did water changes. Was slow and steady but it worked.

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