Dealing with pest snails!

I have just received my parcel of Flubenol and found that on the instructions it says

WARNING this powder will kill snails, if there is a large population of snails in your tank, toxic conditions may be triggered by the pollution caused by the death of the snails

so I guess water changes would be in order.
The original post was very timely. I've been picking ramshorns out of my tank like there's no tomorrow. We're going away for a few days and the fish will not be fed. It'll be interesting to see how many snails I have upon our return. :rolleyes:
i manually remove them then feed them to my 2 maps turts and 1 musk turtle :rolleyes:
WARNING this powder will kill snails, if there is a large population of snails in your tank, toxic conditions may be triggered by the pollution caused by the death of the snails
Indeed, the dead snails will rot down and as a result of this process, release ammonia.

Obviously therefore, pick as many of them out as you can and then monitor your stats for ammonia and act accordingly (water changes).

^ ...which may release eggs into the water & liberate even more snails, so not such a good idea..
This snail eats snails, its kind of yuck but they are quite effective they are called Anenotome Helena, its the one with the dark stripes the trumpet snail is the victim. They bury themselves in the sand and put up a tube like thing and grab (well slow grab) the passing snail and eat it. I havent had them very long and only a single one in a couple of tanks so no baby killers. They eat other food too.
umm i have an idea. try puting in a few crayfish. they eat snails. if the shells bother you then if you have gravel just bury them.
Hi All, not seen any updates on this for a while so thought I'd bring it to the surface again as I think this is an excellent way to get rid of pest snails....

Has anyone managed to buy some Flubenol 15 and have you had success in getting rid of pest snails?

Does anyone know where to buy Flubenol 15 from? I have tried but it's no longer an active site. Interestingly though I came across this which you might like to read, the guy who apparently makes the stuff (User Name: Granville) has posted in the forum....
my tank was overun with pest snails but then i bought 6 assassin snails and they've eaten all but about 2. it's really cool to watch as well :) but i guess that's probably not the best way to get rid of snails if you don't want any snails what so ever.
I seem to have aquired some snails with my plants :( didn't realise the need to wash etc beforehand. Do now - lol

Now it's not millions and what are there are teeny tiny, do I need to worry or do anything? I'm due to start stocking with fish in two weeks if the cycle goes well once mature media is dropped in tomorrow. It's a Juwel Vision 260. I do intend to do a big water change and will get rid of as many as poss then but that won't be for another ten days or so.

This Flubenol 15 sounds the biz but it doesn't seem to be available anymore.

Help please? :)
@pammy172, It may not seem like a problem now, but it may become so in the near future...

Flubenol-15 Availability

OK, some of you seem to be having trouble getting hold of this stuff. Discus keepers will tell you that a product called Wormer Plus is based on Flubenol-15 and is indeed what I now currently use (in fact it looks just the same as the 'pure' Flubenol-15, but I *think* it may be a weaker 'cut' from my experience).

Kusuri Wormer Plus is easily available on ebay, but the card that came with my purchase states that you can get 10% off by buying direct: (I'm sure he won't mind me putting up his contact details:

If you wish you can receive a regualr 10% discount on all my ebay buy-it-now purchases by direct purchase:
Just send your requirements to my email address:
I will then send you a paypal invoice inc p&p.
Terry Hammond, tel 07766012851

Wormer plus uses 50mg/g Flubenzadol, i.e. 5% active ingredient, that is to say it can be thought of as Flubenol-5. Therefore use 3 times as much as the dosage used for Flubenol-15 as I've stated above in post #17.

This thread is verrrrry helpful!

I have a snail infestation...and it sucks.

I think it came from the plants...but I picked out easily 30-40 of them yesterday, and about 3-5 today.

I do have 3 african cichlids and a blue mystery snail - will the mystery snail eat the smaller ones? I saw him on one yesterday but nothing happened. It looked like he was trying to suck it out but it didn't look like he had any luck with it.

My cichlids haven't really picked at them either, but I haven't really squished any and gave it to them...can't do the squishing thing, haha.

I've thought about getting yoyo loaches (smaller than clown loaches, heh) but I don't know if they would pick on my mystery's pretty big, but I wouldn't want it to get pestered and stressed out.

Any advice? Thanks :)

Also, are these little white anemone (sp) looking things related to snails? My plant doesn't look like that anymore, but I have no idea what they are. I rinsed it off cause I'm almost convinced that those are like snail larvae or something.


Thanks again! This thread helped a lot.


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