Day 1 - Adulthood

1. How long do i feed Happy liquifry?

As long as you wish. I never feed my livebearer fry special foods like that.

2. Does anyone know anything about orandas? mine has grown a little white lump where her wen will be - could it be ich???
if it is ich what do i do??? should i isolate her???

Sorry. No expertise on goldfish

3. at some point today or next week i'm gonna get my new platy tank set up - is it three days to cycle before i add the fish???

At 3 days the temperature should have stabilized nicely but it takes much longer to cycle a tank. I have links in my signature area to fish-in and fishless cycling techniques.

4. will it make my fish healthier to give them live / frozen food???

A lot depends on which fish you keep. I feed most livebearer fry at least a small amount of live or frozen food. Some never get any because they are vegetarians. There really is no rule that applies to all fish except that it is best to keep them wet and properly fed.
now Happy is eating fry flakes!!! (he still seems to prefer liguifry, i think he's a bit scared of the top of the net) he's already eaten through the stalk of the plant in with him so i'm sensing he's going to grow into a little menance!! lol! :lol:
have i already said i'm expecting again???!!! here are some pics could you please say how long you think it is till they give birth??? thanks!
Silver pregnant.jpg
this is Silver
silver pregnant 2.jpg
and this is a slightly less flattering Silver
Shimmer (the other pregnant one) is slightly less fat
thanks guys!!!!
I'd say she's definitely getting closer, but I wouldn't expect fry for a little while. Congratulations, though, on the soon-to-be fry!
thanks!!!! tonight Happy will be 3 weeks old!!!! :rip: all his brothers and sisters that didn't live through the night :fish:
3 weeks old!!!!!!! my little Happy harder to find than a needle in a haystack!!!! :ninja: :fish: :cake:
is it possible that one of my female platys (the one who isn't pregnant) is actually a male??? i've heard that females can look like males does it work the other way around??? thanks :fish:
she can oly be a male if she has the fins of a male. though if you look at her bottom fin (triangle= female, pointed= male) it could look like the fin is getting more pointy and the triangle shape is going. this means that the fish is becoming male. it is happening to my molly and guppy fry.
dont be fooled by gravid spots either- i have seen males with huge gravid spots. :)
You're female looks to be a week or so off dropping.
Have you got a pic of the one you suspect to be a male?
The top picture is a definite female. I just can't see the fish in the bottom picture well enough to tell. Have you tried using our gender identification thread to understand what to look for? There is a link in my signature area.
she / he has female fins so i suppose Sunset (died when he / she got stuck in a gravel cleaner :rip: ) must have been a boy - i didn't know what to look for then.

The top picture is a definite female. I just can't see the fish in the bottom picture well enough to tell. Have you tried using our gender identification thread to understand what to look for? There is a link in my signature area.
oh and the pic of the bottom fish is the same fish as the fish in the top pic.
is happy getting bigger? :hyper:
he's now almost a cm long and is getting little black spots - are these his markings beginning to show??? Silver (his mum) is very black (see pics)

yes those are the spots. they will get darker as time goes on. my dalmatian molly fry had light speckles when they were born but those faded and they now have real spots that are much bolder.

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