Dawn On The Reef

Lovely looking fish :good:
Blooming marines should come with a health warning.
A manual 'How to convince your other half that the purchase IS neccessary for the future of the tank'
and one for the bank manager 'Please can I have some more' :crazy:
Well that last purchase was a total disaster, Ready to pull the plug.
Well that last purchase was a total disaster, Ready to pull the plug.

Why so, seems a fab purchase, what has happened? No plugs being pulled here me old mucker, you are in for the long haul :rolleyes:

Seffie x

Aw Sef, I nearly took a sledghammer to the whole thing.
To cut a long story short the shrimp thinks its a JCB (literaly) Bloody re-arranged the sand single handedly throughout the night. 5" blooming high some of them piles were. Burried corals for fun. Come downstairs this morning and I always check the tank before heading off to work and boy did I get a shock... ####.
Anyway come home a 10 oclock and got stuck in. Completely gutted the tank to try and catch that blasted thing. Cornered it and it took a further 2 hours to trap it.
Its now in the sump (solitary confinement) The Goby's back in the main tank. I've given the shrimp it own little pile of sand in the sump and it can bloody well move that around all day if it likes.
Lost a bit of height on the right side of the tank with the LR, So I'll buy some more to accomodate that aspect. Its not the same though. But I hope I can get back to where I was in the next couple of weeks.
Bit peeved at the mo.
im sure you will have it looking better than ever very shortly bigc. I would be tempted to try and return them been as they were pretty expensive.
My newest purchase may turn out to be a complete disaster too.
Please dont give up, your tank and this thread was one of my main inspirations, and gave me that final push to start mine.
Far from giving up, I think this situation calls for a species tank especially for the goby/shrimp pairing. A nano or even a pico! You can do a new rubble wall as well :lol:
I know where you are coming from BigC, after my rock fall I was pretty fed up, still am really. I am now planning to rearrange the lot :crazy:
Just have to keep going, we both know it will be worth it in the end :good:
Hi all
I feel devastated for you Big C and I haven't even started my setup yet!!I'm sure you will get it back to the way you had it in time, I must say it is a very impressive setup!!!

Can I ask a question? What kind of coverage is in the Biorb media that you put on the back and side walls just I have a TL550 and was thinking of copying your design thats if you dont mind?
Sorry for being cheeky :blush:

what was the size of the tank?
The only thing stopping me doing it is on my tank on the ride hand side i have 4 gates that can open and close I guess there for flow or something? :crazy:
Would it make a difference if I covered these or would you reccomend not to?

intakes for water flow i think

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