Thanks Guys...
Awesome shots...what camera are you using?
Just a plain and simple 7meg Kodak (tourist job) set to closeup no flash.
Hey BigC, is that a photosynthetic gorgonian?
Well I was told it was by the previous owner, as he informed me that he never spot fed it., but don't worry I hatch brineshrimp on a daily basis for that tank and I also feed DT’s Live Marine Phytoplankton.
It seems very healthy.
Hi Seffie, thanks for the comments. For Coral study I recommend you purchase this book, You'll thank me for suggesting it.
Purchase it between you and Trod if you have to, get the hardback version, its a beautiful informative and pictoral book, well worth the outlay.
oh my goodness, how lovely. Can you give us your stocking list, i'm a bit of a geek and like to look these things up
The Coral stocking list is as follows. 12/09/2008
1x Finger Leather (hard to tell exactly what sp. possibly Sinularia spp
1x Torch Coral (Euphyllia glabrescens)
3x Trumpet Coral (Caulastrea curvata)
6x Zoanthid sp
1x Yellow sand polyp
1x Fluorescent Green Platygyra Maze Coral.
1x Gorgorian sp
1x Australian Duncan, 5 heads (Duncanopsammia)
1x Platting Montipora frag
4x Ricordia mushrooms
5x Purple mushrooms
1x Red striped Mushroom
1x Green mushroom
2x Clove polyps (Clavularia sp)
1x Metallic Green Star Polyps (Pachyclavularia sp)
1x Small Pom-Pom Xenia colony (Xenia sp)
3x Paly's (Palythora sp)
2x Fanworms (One may have to be removed pending advice from fellow members)
CUC consists of
10x Jumbo Cerith Snails
4x Tongan Nassarius Snails
6x Star Astrea Snails
4x Cone shaped Astrea Snails
2x Pacific Turbo Snails
4x Red Legged Hermit Crabs
8x Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
2x Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
Fish List
2x Common Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1x Scooter Blenny (Synchiropus ocellatus)
I think thats I say I may move the Troubled Fanworm and replace with something that is coloured Red!
I have a short list of frags in mind
Acanthastrea lordhowensis
Red spiny Brain
Blastomussa merletti
Blastomussa wellsi
The Acan Lord and the Blasto's would mean I'd have to dig deep into my pocket, so I'm still trying to justify the purchase in my own head and also researching to see if I can manage their husbandry.