Fish Addict
So I have been cycling a 5 gallon for about 3 weeks now and for ammonia all I have been using is pond snails and algae wafers for ammonia should this work well?
I believe you can pick up a test kit for around $20 over in America. If that's a little out of your price range at present maybe order some strips so you have something to go on at least for now.Welp I would love to test my water if one I had the money for a test kit and second if I could drive to go test my water.
So I have been cycling a 5 gallon for about 3 weeks now and for ammonia all I have been using is pond snails and algae wafers for ammonia should this work well?
You need to aim for 5ppm of ammonia.
Is it just me or is this cycling a tank more complicated than it needs to be. Why not just order from a reputable breeder a seeded filter? When I read posts of these people trying to cycle tanks for what seems extended periods when for little time and cost could have a tank cycled almost immediately I wonder why? Am I missing something? Not promoting any particular breeder but AngelPlus can get you a seeded sponge for little money and save you time and possible frustration in getting a cycled tank.
Well, not everyone knows a reputable breeder in which they can ask for some filter media, I don't for one.
A new fish keeper just starting in the hobby is unlikely to know anyone in the fishkeeping industry of good repute, there are exceptions of course but the vast majority of newbies will not know who to ask for seeded filter media.
It's a source of debate whether one should ask or buy from their LFS for seeded filter media as most LFS run their systems off one large bio mechanical media type filter that's runs through every tank. Problem with that, there could be a whole host of pathogens and potential risks of diseases from stressed or dead fish in a number of their tanks that could be passed onto your filter and tank via seeded media that may cause all manners of problems.
However, it's a good suggestion ONLY if the source of filter media is from a tank and filter that's fully established and healthy.
How do you tell if it's healthy or not if it's from someone or someplace you do not know that well?
Therein lies the dilemma for both new keepers as well as experienced keepers.
The risk is there but the idea is good one for trying to get a fast, almost instant, cycle for your filter and tank.
Of course once you have a established tank, easiest thing in the world is to take a little filter media from that filter to a new tank you're setting up but a newbie is likely not to have that luxury.