Mostly New Member
As I mentioned in my introductory post I haven't had fish in almost a decade, and it seems a lot has changed, (and what hasn't changed I've forgotten lol). Tomorrow I'm picking up a used 56 gallon tank. I've been researching to refresh my memory on cycling the tank, way back when it was the add a few fish at a time and hope for the best.
I've been reading about the new method of fishless cycling and would prefer to do that, however from what I understand once the cycles complete you need to stock the tank to keep the established bacteria alive? So now I'm not sure which way to go...
Mainly because I really don't have the budget to purchase that many fish at once, (particularly since my daughter really wants those ridiculously expensive Glofish.)
I was also hoping to use this as a learning/reward system for my daughter. I want her to learn that getting a pet isn't an instant thing, that it takes time to get their home ready for them as well as the science behind the natural cycle of an aquarium, which the fishless cycle would be great for. However I was planning (according to the old method) to get the fish a few at a time as a kind of reward/ patience deal. If she (helps) take care of the fish and aquarium, does research with me on the fish she wants to get and their care and schooling numbers etcetera and generally behaves, she earns a trip to the pet store every week or so to pick out a few fish and hopefully learns about responsible stocking and fish care along the way.
Ultimately I want to do what is best for the fish, I guess what I'm asking is if there is some in between method of starting with the fishless cycle to get the tank going to the point where its safe and healthier for the fish to be added a few at a time?
I've been reading about the new method of fishless cycling and would prefer to do that, however from what I understand once the cycles complete you need to stock the tank to keep the established bacteria alive? So now I'm not sure which way to go...
Mainly because I really don't have the budget to purchase that many fish at once, (particularly since my daughter really wants those ridiculously expensive Glofish.)
I was also hoping to use this as a learning/reward system for my daughter. I want her to learn that getting a pet isn't an instant thing, that it takes time to get their home ready for them as well as the science behind the natural cycle of an aquarium, which the fishless cycle would be great for. However I was planning (according to the old method) to get the fish a few at a time as a kind of reward/ patience deal. If she (helps) take care of the fish and aquarium, does research with me on the fish she wants to get and their care and schooling numbers etcetera and generally behaves, she earns a trip to the pet store every week or so to pick out a few fish and hopefully learns about responsible stocking and fish care along the way.
Ultimately I want to do what is best for the fish, I guess what I'm asking is if there is some in between method of starting with the fishless cycle to get the tank going to the point where its safe and healthier for the fish to be added a few at a time?