Cycling 2Nd Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 14, 2010
Reaction score
Manchester, UK

I already have a fully cycled 60l juwel tank and have just purchased a 120l tank (unsure of make).

The idea is to move my existing fish into the larger tank once it is ready so i was wondering what the best way would be to kickstart the cycle in my new tank?

Thanks for your help

Jenni :)
If you will be tearing down the old tank once the new one is running, fill the new tank with dechlorinated water of the right temperature, remove all the fish to the new tank and move the old filter to the new tank. At that point you are done and only need to get the new filter cycled before adding any more fish. If you are going to keep using the old tank try a clone the way I do one. I get the new tank filled and all equipment running and then use the new tank as my cleaning bucket for the old filter. Once I have primed the new filter this way, I do a standard fishless cycle, but often find that it is ready to fully stock in about a week.
Thanks for the reply oldman

Unfortunately the juwel tank has a fixed filter so i cant take it out and put it in the new tank. I will give your clone way a go and see what happens!
Let us know how it goes Jenni. Would be good to get some real world cases of how this goes and how long it takes for our beginners.

tank looking good jennifer!


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Hi Jenni,

Are you still going to be using the old 60L tank as well afterwards?

If not then move all of the filter media from the 60L to the 120L, even if you have to cut some sponges to fit them inside your new filter.

If you are planning on still using the 60L then just take about a third of the mature media and put it in the 120L filter, that will help kickstart your cycle

Well it seems to be working! I also took some gravel from the 60l put it inside some old tights and left it in the new tank (read somewhere on here to do that)

Latest readings (tested weds) are Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10, these are consistent readings and i will be testing again tonight.

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