Cute But...

That's a teeny tank, but personally I'd set it up like this tank at the LFS that's around the same size. Heavily planted, with a small school of Boreas Maculata (mini rasboaras), tons of cherry/amano shrimp, a few snails (nerite or malaysian trumpet) and maybe once the tank is established an Oto.
That's a teeny tank, but personally I'd set it up like this tank at the LFS that's around the same size. Heavily planted, with a small school of Boreas Maculata (mini rasboaras), tons of cherry/amano shrimp, a few snails (nerite or malaysian trumpet) and maybe once the tank is established an Oto.
That is too much. :-( Its a nice idea but that would be good stock for an 8 gallon tank.

I have a few tanks exactly the same as this one. Its a little under 2 gallons and it has a UGF. Of the three I have, one of them was my first tank and I've had it for ten years. The second one I got on clearance for practically nothing, and the third was given to me.

In one I have three whiteclouds and I feel it is too small for them. I hope to move them out if I get the chance. The other two have bettas and I would say they are quite happy in there, especially with bogwood and plants.

I thought the microrasboras were a good idea. That is def. what I would do if I had an empty one right now! Either that or some small shrimp.

I don't know anything about oil catfish but most catfish only use the floor space of a tank and this particular tank hardly has any since its so much taller than it is wide.

One word of caution--that light heats up the water a LOT. Getting a compact flourescent screw in helps a lot with the heat, but since they are brighter you may end up with algae problems if you don't plant heavily.
Well again thanks for the advice and compliments on the tank!

I'm looking into getting the oil catfish as the little guys just stole my heart, and I'll see about modifying the tank to suit. But if I can't find one, my next choice is the killifish and after that a betta.

And hopefully around x-mas time everyone will be upgraded with the addition of a large tank. :)

hmm..this is what id go for....
1st choice- dwarf puffer
2nd choice- oil catfish
3rd choic- killifish
4th choice- betta

how could you not love one of these little guys? :wub:

I have a tank that size, and you can keep a pair of African dwarf frogs and maybe several small snails in it. That's what I would do anyway.
check out the Planted forum.
throw in some live plants and a shrimp or two.
or, heck, just mail the thing to me, and i'll do it! :hey:
I'm not sure a Dwarf Puffer could live in that tank, might be able to do it if there was a filter in it, but I think you need plenty of plants and a sand substrate.
ok, 1--oil catfish grow to be at least 2.5" long, 2--they like friends around and 3--they're very active swimmers!

completely incompatible with a tank under 10g.
iagree about the dwarf puffer they're active fish and like to patrol around and hunt along all the rocks, plants and landscape i think it's too small.

And as oil catfish's prefer groups too smallfor them too especially if they're bottom dwellers that tall tank doesnt have a lot of bottom to dwell.

Betta it is!!! :hyper:
Hmm oil cat, 6cm just over 2", don't need groups and are nocturnal, that's my opinion on them. More active with groups yes but needing them?

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