Cute But...


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Today I was helping my parents bring in groceries and lo and behold my brothers old fish tank sitting in the garage collecting dust! I brought it home, cleaned it and set it up.

And then decided it looked sad all empty and bare. So I found a collection of rocks I brought back from Georgian bay some time ago and thus entertained myself by arranging them in the bottom and even stuck in a plastic plant.

My question now is, what can I put in this wee little 2 or 3 gallon tank?

Wow, that is a very little tank! I don't think a betta would do well. I'd say 2 really pretty, fancy male guppies. At least, that's what I would put in there. :) There's just enough room for them and they'd look very nice. I'd put a background on the tank too to highlight the fish. :nod:
A betta, everglades pygmy sunfish, Scoloplax empousa, killifish, a red claw crab, a dwarf puffer, Shrimp, snails, adf's, bumblebee goby, micro rasboras, pygmy cories, oil catfish, peacock gobies, white cheek gobies and many other options. Where did just a betta come from :p Guppies need groups of 5+ really I found.
how would a betta not do well? A betta's minimum is 1 gallon. I'm sure a betta would LOVE to be taken out of a cup and set in there. But if you put the betta in, get rid of the air stone. They can't bubble nest with the movement, and they breath from the surface anywho.
Wow, thanks for the replies! The oil catfish is sooooo cute! I think I'm in love! :wub:

I have no idea if I could find one around where I'd live but I'll certainly try. Apparently they're super hardy. I think I'd take out the plastic plant and replace it with a live one and add in a hiding place for the little guy.

The killifish are also very interesting and pretty fish. And the gobies are awesome, along with the sunfish and dwarf puffers. And some of the show bettas I've seen are fantastic. I didn't realize I'd have so many interesting choices for such a little tank!
how would a betta not do well? A betta's minimum is 1 gallon. I'm sure a betta would LOVE to be taken out of a cup and set in there. But if you put the betta in, get rid of the air stone. They can't bubble nest with the movement, and they breath from the surface anywho.

Just to point this out, a Betta's minimum tank size is 5 gallons.

If it were me, I would have Dwarf Puffer :drool: they are wonderful little fish, and very intelligent.

I had one before and loved him, but I found him very difficult to keep satiated :/ I would give him a full blood worm every day, and then the next he would just be emaciated again.
Got him from Walmart, by the way, so I feel that explains the emaciation :( poor little guy.

''Just to point this out, a Betta's minimum tank size is 5 gallons.''

I don't know what you're basing that on.. anyways.. a betta would be fine in that tank.
Lynden, maybe he had an internal parasite?

So many options! I drool over your luck.
A betta, everglades pygmy sunfish, Scoloplax empousa, killifish, a red claw crab, a dwarf puffer, Shrimp, snails, adf's, bumblebee goby, micro rasboras, pygmy cories, oil catfish, peacock gobies, white cheek gobies and many other options. Where did just a betta come from :p Guppies need groups of 5+ really I found.

I think for bumblebees or peacocks, you really would want a 5 gallon, probably for the white-cheeked gobies too. Hard to keep decent water quality in a smaller tank, and IMO at least the peacocks want more swimming space. And if you kept a male and female peacocks, the female(s) would be short of get-away space. Even the dwarf puffer would probably be better off with 5- but you can check that in the oddballs forum.
Guppies are certainly too active for so small a space, and there is a serious risk of aggression with only 2 males.

I'd go for cherry shrimps. Or the snail. Or the adfs.
It doesn't look like the tank has a filter, unless you want to go buy a one I would definately suggest a betta. They do not require filters and I believe your tank would make a wonderful little home to one.
Also...I love the way you set up the rocks in there, looks great!
Well again thanks for the advice and compliments on the tank!

I'm looking into getting the oil catfish as the little guys just stole my heart, and I'll see about modifying the tank to suit. But if I can't find one, my next choice is the killifish and after that a betta.

And hopefully around x-mas time everyone will be upgraded with the addition of a large tank. :)
Well again thanks for the advice and compliments on the tank!

I'm looking into getting the oil catfish as the little guys just stole my heart, and I'll see about modifying the tank to suit. But if I can't find one, my next choice is the killifish and after that a betta.

And hopefully around x-mas time everyone will be upgraded with the addition of a large tank. :)

CRIKEY u have a puny tank , mate! But give a lil fish a home and luv:nod:

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