Custom Lighting

Helen G

Apr 13, 2008
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Can anyone help me?

I want to try and build a custom light for my tank, but am a total thicko when it comes to electronics.

My tank is a 39cm cube and I plan on putting a sheet of perspex as a lid

I would like the light to be blue and white cathodes (white for daytime and blue for night. Iwant to be able to switch from having the white light on to having the blue light on.

Any ideas????
Thanks, but that's too hard for me to understand! I really am dense when it comes to electonics, I can change a plug and a light switch and thats about it. Also I really want to be able to change the light from white to blue at the flick of a switch.
Ooh thank you so much. I wish I had read this thread before buying some Ikea dioder round LED lights from ebay. I'm going to wait for them to arrive, see what they look like, coz they may look poo.

If so I will deffo contact you.

Thank you again.

Helen :D

you should get two seperate light units and have a switch for each one. You should turn the blue light on a few minutes before you turn the white one off. Otherwise the fish can freak out a bit if it goes from white to blue.
Ah good point.... would i still be able to use just one plug though? as space is a premium. :)


you should be able to. I have double light units that have two globes and each globe has its own switch, but the whole lot is on one plug.

If you want to run them on timers you should just get individual units and have each unit on a seperate timer.
Ooh thank you so much. I wish I had read this thread before buying some Ikea dioder round LED lights from ebay. I'm going to wait for them to arrive, see what they look like, coz they may look poo.

If so I will deffo contact you.

Thank you again.

Helen :D


Which version have you bought ? Ive seen these in Ikea, and thought they would be a good idea - until I saw the price ! LOL
I got the round multicoloured ones, they cost 12.60 delivered. Lets hope they are what I want. I am just worried they might not be bright enough.
Should be ok for "mood" lighting, but not a lot of use for plants etc... got a good deal there, were they a "one off" ? I wanted some for under desk lighting... tend to find myself at the computer during the night, and house lighting is too bright !
There were a few sets on there when I was looking. Two of them were the 'bar type, one multi and one white. If the ones I get are no good I will be able to use them around the house. I may mount the behind the tv or something to give an ambient glow.
Well my DIODER lights have come, and I have put them on a piece of perspex to try them out, unfortunatly I cant really tell if they are going to be bright enough until dusk. Will publish some piccies later so people can give me their opinion.
Will it just hurry up and dark already..... I want to look at my lights now, now, NOOOW!

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