One of my very first bettas jumped out of his home. I had them all in half-gallon things, which you can get at Walmart, but now look spiffier than the ones I had. I never had the lids completely on. I didn't think just 2 tiny holes would give them enough oxygen. I did waterchanges the one day, did chores late afternoon-early evening *I help dad milk cows*, and came home. After my shower I went up to feed them all *I had 4 at the time* and noticed Maroon wasn't in his home. I looked everywhere, in my dresser drawers...etc. finally finding him in my godawful shag carpet *not of my choice...was there before my mum and I came to live there with dad *aka step-dad and step-brothers* it was a dark burnt red, burnt orange, icky green, brown, black, yellow, carpet. So it was hard to find Maroon as he was all dried up.
After that, the lids stayed on completely.
I'll be honest, when I first got Fatima, I didn't have her bowl covered....but she's in a 2.5 gal minibow, so she's covered now...
While searching Walmart one time, you know the plastic trays I think you set plants on, etc. if you do the water lilly thing or whatever plant you use....I think this was the tray, I'm not was a clear plastic tray, had no holes tho, but if fit PERFECTLY into a 1 gal bowl
When my bf's sister wanted to get me a fish, I asked her to pick me up one of those. Bill poked holes in it from the 'inside out' so there would be no sharp plastic 'pokey parts' and I have to say, tho she was only in the bowl less than a week, it worked well. You could probably put in a fancy rock or something on top of the 'lid' to make it more stable. It looked alright tho, didn't really notice anything was there, and it was a perfect fit.
It was next to the fish bowls in the fish section at Walmart, on the bottom row next to them.