Curious as to what other hobbies you guys have ?

wow and i thought the several hours my paint by numbers took were long enough..
actually...thinking about the build, it took me more like 25 hours to build it. Here is a video showing all the parts used during assembly. If you watch it, turn down the volume of the irritating music. This model is available on Amazon for about $75. If you want to build this model, I recommend getting one of the less complex models to practice on before doing this much more complex model.
Here is another wooden model build... This one took about 25 hours to build and has 538 parts. Runs forward and reverse via elastic motor. Has visible moving gears.
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HMmm need to look pics out if I have any. I give most of the stuff away to my family, and I imagine they burn it after an appropriate time.
I keep bees. Today I was only stung twice so that's good. I have five hives and last year I managed to get 136 1lb jars of honey out which I sold for £6 a jar. Seems like a lot of cash? Not really, had to buy a new hive -- £340, plus anti-varroa mite treatments. I also have to buy jars, labels and spend a lot of time extracting and jarring. This is not a hobby to make money. I kind of enjoy it but I hate getting stung and one particularly feisty colony makes my life a misery sometimes but it is highly productive and gives by far the most honey so I'm loathe to mess with it.

I also ride a mountain bike, not at the same time :)
I keep bees. Today I was only stung twice so that's good. I have five hives and last year I managed to get 136 1lb jars of honey out which I sold for £6 a jar. Seems like a lot of cash? Not really, had to buy a new hive -- £340, plus anti-varroa mite treatments. I also have to buy jars, labels and spend a lot of time extracting and jarring. This is not a hobby to make money. I kind of enjoy it but I hate getting stung and one particularly feisty colony makes my life a misery sometimes but it is highly productive and gives by far the most honey so I'm loathe to mess with it.

I also ride a mountain bike, not at the same time :)
That would be impressive of you could can honey while biking ;)
Besides fish, my main hobby is reptiles and amphibians- keeping them in captivity, as well as finding them in the wild. Other interests include isopods, hunting and fishing, and art, especially photography.
What fun reading all the different hobbies and activities! I remember the days of trying to keep up with children at home and having little to no time to do any personal hobbies; I miss those children now that they're grown!

I keep snakes, lizards, and frogs; I build terraria and vivaria (getting ready to build a new 6' tall vivarium for my rough green snake!); I container garden; I knit; and I'm planning to get busy on a dinosaur quilt for a grandchild. I also have a cat that tries to help with my knitting and the plants and an elderly dog that sleeps most of the time, not to mention a husband to encourage through this time of lockdown. In January, he expressed concern that I would find myself at a loss for things to do when a major job/project ended; I have to laugh, now, because he's worried that I'm trying to do too much!

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