Curious About Seahorses


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Yesterday while in one my my lfs, I noticed they had seahorses in. The man said they had been farm raised, and were in turn less fragile than wild caught species. I had told him in the past how I loved seahorses (like alot of people), but knew they were not for beginners. Anyway, just for the heck of it, I started doing some research on them. I'm not sure if I would want to embark on this just yet, since I have no experience with marine. If nothing else, I'd just like some more info on them. :) At one of the websites I visited (which seemed to offer alot of good, sound advice), they mentioned you could use a UGF and a canister filter for a seahorse tank. Is this possible? Or do you need the same equipment as a normal marine tank, like protein skimmer, etc.)? Also, would a 30 gallon tank be large enough for seahorses? I've had some trouble finding minimum tank sizes. Would I be able to house any inverts. with the seahorse? To be quite honest, seastars, shrimp, etc. is what I really like about marine setups.
IMO you have answered your own question with the statement "they were not for beginners"
There have been a few posts here about keeping seahorses recently also have a look on as well

Thank you for the website...very helpful. :)

I have only begun to look into them, but I know they are more delicate than other saltwater fish. I also know that you may have to deal with problems that you wouldn't with other marine fish (problems concerning their pouches, for example). What other reasons are captive-bred seahorses not for saltwater beginners?

-And from what I got from that website, I could either use a protein skimmer or not, either way. What would be some options for filtration for a seahorse tank?
Hi dixaisy.

Firstly, "beginner" is a rather broad and overrated word IMO. It is possible to be a "beginner" at keeping something and still be better equipped than someone who has been in the hobby 10 years if you spend enough time researching and getting to know your stuff. Take precautions to learn all you can about every aspect you can think of and how to counter any problems you may run into and there is no reason why you couldn't be a "beginner" with a very successful seahorse tank, more so than someone who has been keeping reef tanks for years but knows nothing about seahorses.

A standard three foot tank (approx 30 gal) is more than suitable for many species. There is a seahorse for practically any sized tank out there (even nanos) as long as it has enough height for the species in question (at least twice the horse's height is needed, especially if you want them to breed). In a 3 foot tank though I would personally aim for medium sized horses, perhaps barbs, kuda, whitei or similar. Medium sized horses don't reach more than around 16 cm in height. I wouldn't personally put more than 6 to 8 medium horses at the most in a tank this size, better to understock than overstock. This depends alot on your filtration of course and what else you will have in the tank, if anything. It is possible to perhaps go a bit higher with a good method of filtration, but for now 6-8 would be a good number to aim for.

The bloke at the store was absolutely right, CB is the way to go, being far superior to WC horses. They are more hardy, better eaters, take readily to dead foods and also have less impact on the enviroment as they aren't ripped from wild stocks to become a pet.

As for filtration, this also depends on how many seahorses you want to stock, any tankmates with them, etc. It is possible to use anything from an UGF to protein skimmers, live rock to canisters. Personally I would shy away from UGF's, etc and go for straight out typical marine fare, but I know of several people who use things like UGF's, etc (and have kept successful tanks for a couple of years now). As for flow, aim for around 3 times the tank's volume per hour and that's a good average.

With inverts, there are many compatible species. Some of these include things like starfish, many different types of shrimp, seasquirts, etc - even a couple of sea urchins are compatible (ones without sharp spines of course, like pencil urchins). The important thing to keep in mind with seahorses is that you don't want anything in the tank that the seahorse could harm itself on (like the aforementioned spiked urchins), that will hurt the seahorse (biting, pinching, etc) and that won't outcompete the seahorses for food. This also goes for fish based tankmates.

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help (as long as I know the answer of course :lol: ), just post away :)
Im prety new to the hobby as well, and would love one day to have a seahorse-pipefish tank. You probably already know more about them than I do but I know that you cant keep them with other fast moving or aggressive fish. You want a tank devoted just to them and pipefish, and maybe a few peaceful fish but always making sure they eat enough with the fish in there. The problem with most is that they always need live food but maybe with those captive bred ones ur LFS gets that wouldnt be an issue. They also cant have too strong of flow, and need things to hang on to, so you'd have to research some branchy corals that dont require powerheads. But it's definitely acceptable to keep other inverts with them, as long as they arent too aggressive because sea horses are shy. Starfish, snails, and most crabs, should be fine. If you like those creepy urchins and stuff like that youd have to check that out for yourself. Hope I told you SOMETHING you didnt already know lol.
Thanks for all of the help. :) (I think I might be going with a 20 or 29 high tank)

I went back to the lfs, and oogled over the seahorses again. :rolleyes: They are yellow erectus. Would this be a good "beginner" SH? I am getting a rough (very, very rough) idea of what I would want as a tank set-up: filter-wise live rock, and a canister filter (I've been looking at the "Marineland HOT Magnum Hang On Tank Convertible Canister Filter" specifically. Would this be a good choice?) I've also see some people use UV filters. Would this be better than a canister, or should I have this in addition to the canister filter? And I'm sure this is a dumb question, but what about filter like bio-wheels, or Whisper? Would these type of filters just be pointless?

How much live rock should I have? Would it be possible for a anenome to hitchhike on live rock? If so, how would I get rid of it?

I know seahorses don't need real specialized lighting, but what about the starfish, snails, crabs, etc? I know corals need special light requirements, but I will not be keeping any corals. Or is live rock have coral on it? Clams and scallops are not good tank mates, correct? What about chocolate chip starfish? I saw one today, and really liked the look of it. :D I'm also a big fan of ANY shrimp. What kinda would make good tankmates?

Should I have more than just one pair of seahorses? I'm sure this will depend of my filtration.

Should I use sand, aragonite, or something else for a substrate? Oh! And I'm assuming I should use RO water? Is that a neccesity?

My tap water has a pH of around 8, and it pretty hard (I can't remember the exact reading). What would be the ideal pH and hardness? As for temperature, I know the requirements vary from each kind of seahorse. What is the temp. range for the erectus?

As for tank setup, I know about cycling and such. After the tank has cycled, I was wondering if the inverts. should go in before the SH's, then wait another month or so before adding the SH's.

Whew...that's all I have for now...OH,

Since I would get tank raised SH, they will be able to eat frozen, correct? I know mysis shrimp is a good choice for them. What about ghost shrimp? And freshwater foods need to be enriched, correct? How much should the SH get at one time? And how many times a day should they be fed (I've read varying answers). Is there any kind of live food source that could be in the tank with them? (i.e. - my freshwater tank gets about 10 ghost shrimp once a month, and the ghost shrimp just get eaten here and there). I wouldn't rely on any in-tank food source to be their only food source, of course.

Can you suggest any gobies that would do well in either a 20 or 29 gallon high tank?

Ok...NOW that's the last of my questions... :) for now.......

Thanks again for all of the help.
First off, i will tell you that you might end up regretting a tall tank. They are hard to get to the bottom of, and you will probably find trouble in getting good air circulation.
Canister filters are great, with layers of filtration and dont require too frequent cleaning. UVs are good, and often used in addition to other filtration systems, although i dont know a whole lot about them. {BTW, I had no clue what i was doing as far as filters go in the beginning. Dont believe everything u read, once i read that a protein skimmer was just "a fancy term" for saltwater filters. WOW did i feel dumb asking someone at a store that one!} Protein skimmers are very important as well. As for LR, the amount doesnt really matter. A lot of times, i hear 1 pound per gallon. Im not sure the point of this. Maybe it is how much fits well? IDK.
Ive heard of anemones hitch hiking on LR, so just examine it before you buy it. And if u get home and find something undesireable u can probably go exchange it for another one. They can be VERY hard to get off a rock, sometimes impossible. Once i had one that was intertwined in the rock so far we had to chisel that part of the rock off because it just wouldnt move. {then took it back to my LFS and it came off the next day, then reattatched, then unattatched, then someone fnally bought it and i got my missing rock back!}
My assumption about starfish lighting would be: since you absolutely cant expose them to ANY air while handling, then they are probably relatively deep-water stars, meaning they dont have special expensive requirements for lighting. Someone feel free to correct me if you know otherwise. Other inverts dont care about lighting, its the photosynthesizing animals like corals and anemones that need the special lighting too feed the symbiotic zooanthellae living within them for their main "food" if you will.
Live rock doesnt typically have coral on it, but im sure youre asking because if it did, you wouldnt want it dying and potentially poisoning the tank.
Where did you hear about clams and scallops not being good tank mates? They arent aggressive, dont move, as far as I know are nice additions to any tank.
Check this out for your chocolate chip: I will say that you should wait until the tank is well {at least 6 months} cycled before adding one of these guys. They feed on detritus and if the sand doesnt have a supply of it, they will probably slowly die. Also make sure some food gets on the bottom as they need meaty items included in their diet as well.
One coral banded shrimp would probably be a nice addition to your tank. I say one because they fight if not in pairs.
Two seahorses would probably be the perfect number for 29 gallons, if not just one.
Aragonite reef sand provides great filtration of ammonia nitrites and nitrates, and you may consider using a bag of wet or "live" sand as well.
RO water is always the best route. Some can get away with just a good conditioner though. Check your tap for copper, phosphates, and chlorine. Or maybe just ask a LFS.
Your research is as good as mine as far as finding the temp. and kH for that specific species of seahorse.
After it has been cycled with LR, add some snails, hermits, whatever for cleanup of brown algae you will go through. All stars and seahorses need VERY stable conditions so make sure to add things slowly so you dont have too much bioload for the tank to handle at once.
You will need to test out the food at the LFS and see what they will eat and how much. Always feed marine based foods, and if it needs to be freshwater, use a good vitamin supplement to soak it in. Twice a day is good, but only feed what they will eat otherwise the ammonia may creep up on you.
And again, a high tank might not be a good choice for the circulation of the water, and a goby of any sort could be uncomfortable in a tank that doesnt have great circulation, especially at the botom.
Thanks for all of the good advice.

I have a 65 gallon high tank (freshwater), and I was really worried about circulation with that. I extended my intake valve with that, and it's worked well. I'm wondering if a airstone would be helful? But then again, the added current might be too rough for the SH, correct? The reason why I'm going for a tall tank is that's what I've read for seahorses: the taller the better.

As for the scallops, clams, etc I read that they have potential to clamp down on a seahorses tail. :crazy:
Well i know that most people with a SW tank dont do airstones because they just splash salt all over the place. Do u know y they like taller tanks? My clam isnt mean to my fish at all, only closes when frightened or its dark.
I think it's because they're a tall fish. I've also read that when they court/mate they need more vertical room. As far maintence on the tank, etc that's not a big deal for me. If I can do it in a 65 gallon tall tank, I think a 29 gallon tall tank should be a breeze. :)

I think it's rare for them to clamp down on the SH, but some people have claimed that it's happened to their SH's.
Firstly, clams, etc are a bad idea. They often close while the seahorses are trying to hitch on them and due to the seahorse not being able to get away fast enough (or not realising the danger and staying put) they can be crushed. There is also the issue of intense light being needed for clams, this can become quite expensive.

Seahorses are extremely social creatures and shouldn't be kept alone as they will more than likely pine away and slowly die. The numbers I gave you above for medium sized horses will also work in a 29 tall tank ( 6-8 ) but with larger horses (erectus) I would aim for 4-6 right now. The thing about seahorses is that their digestive tracts aren't as well developed as other fish so they expend alot of energy hunting. By placing 4-6 large horses in a tank this size you are still understocking (*slightly*, don't get too excited about packing 20 or so in a tank this size, about 8 would be max in a 29 tall) while ensuring that when one finds food the others will come running rather than not realising where the food is and searching without luck, thus expending valuable energy with no outcome. They shouldn't be added all at once though, a pair at a time is suffice. Also, with seahorses, don't add odd numbers (3, 5, etc), always keep even amounts. You are right about the need for plenty of vertical space, and seahorses won't breed if there isn't at least twice their own height in swimming space. Don't shirk on horizontal space as well though as they need room for their courtship dances and to forage around too, they can be highly curious animals and love getting into nooks and crannies.

Starfish won't need anything more than standard lighting. As for shrimp, stay away from anything agressive or with big pinchers/punchers - boxer shrimp, mantis shrimp, etc aren't suitable. Cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, etc are good candidates, you want a shrimp that will not attack the horses or be agressive when food enters the tank. I would stear clear of most crabs also except very small hermits.

U.V filters are designed to be used in addition to other filters, they don't filter waste at all but pathogens and parasites. They are made to reduce the likelihood of diseases and such from becoming a problem in your tank but are no substitute for proper quarentine, etc. This isn't to say they aren't worth purchasing, just that they shouldn't be seen as a 100% fix that will replace good tanking principles and habits for new additions, etc (quarentining new fish, siphoning uneaten food, removing dead fish, etc) but as a useful addition to already used methods.

A substrate that acts as a P.H buffer should be used, argonite, etc. Air bubblers should be avoided to reduce the chance of gas bubble syndrome, air caught in pouches, etc - good water circulation and surface agitation should be maintained to ensure proper oxygen saturation. The clean up crew should be added before any horses go in then stock a pair at a time every few weeks. A good rule of thumb for liverock is to use around 1-1.5 pounds per gallon. The cost can be reduced somewhat by seeding base rock with live rock at a rate of around 2/3 base rock to 1/3 live rock. You can also make your own base rock if you are that way inclined.

As for protein skimmers, they aren't just a fancy term, they are named for what they do. They create a vortex of small air bubbles which trap proteins and other unwanted particles (as well as a few wanted ones, unavoidable really and not a problem if you replace them every so often) then remove these as the bubbles travel upwards to a collection cup. There are freshwater protein skimmers available but these are usually expensive and not really worth the bother due to the difference in nature between freshwater and saltwater tanks. Protein skimmers are a valuable piece of saltwater equipment if utilised correctly. Like alot of other things though, they are an optional filter and many people run seahorse tanks (as well as other marine tanks) successfully without one. Personally I would use one and would recommend them to anyone not yet up to speed on the general principles of a marine tank, but I do prefer to put all options out there when explaining something.

Ideal perameters for any seahorse tank is as follows:

pH - 8.0 to 8.3
Specific gravity - 1.021 to 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - <20 ppm

The ideal temp for Erectus is around 25c as they are a tropical seahorse.

As for your food questions, frozen mysis is a good staple diet (especially enriched) and stuff like ghost shrimp, etc can be fed if taken also but with any freshwater food, make sure it is enriched before feeding as it will lack alot of needed nutrients found in saltwater food. Brine shrimp on the other hand is a very poor choice of food and should be avoided unless enriched and even then should never be used as a seahorse's main diet. Live food isn't a neccessity but does make a nice occassional treat for the horses once in a while. I would personally enrich any food given, also make sure to switch enrichments (or use a couple of different ones each time) around to ensure a full spectrum and balanced diet. Feeding times really vary from person to person and you will get a feel for it based on the horses you own. I would aim for 2-3 times a day, either at each meal time or morning and night. One day a week fasting is also benefical to allow their primative digestive tracts time to rest.

You can find an article I wrote on enrichment here for instructions on how it is done: Enriching frozen foods

As for gobies, there are a few gobies and blennies which are suitable tankmates for seahorses. A couple are:

Watchman goby
Neon goby
Convict blenny
Shrimp goby

There are lots of others but these are the first to come to mind atm. Also, things like jawfish and firefish are compatible as well. If ever in doubt though always research, certain species within a group may be fine yet others aren't - the term "goby" for instance covers thousands of different species from all different biotopes as an example, not everything will be compatible with seahorses for whatever reasons, least of all the fact that some aren't even saltwater fish.

O.k, I think I covered all the questions you had there, if I missed anything or you want further elaboration on anything just post.
First off, i will tell you that you might end up regretting a tall tank. They are hard to get to the bottom of, and you will probably find trouble in getting good air circulation.

I disagree. I think you should go with a tall tank. Seahorse like the vertical swimming room like most fish like the horizontal swimming room. I have always kept tall tanks and have never had an issue with circulation. To get to the bottom, buy a mag float, an algae scraper, or get a chair. It is not really that big of a deal. I had a tank that was 3' tall, was never a problem.

Recommended tank size for a seahorse would be min of twice the seahorses length. At least 3xif you want to watch the mating dance which IMHO is one of the coolest things about having seahorses.

Canister filters are great, with layers of filtration and dont require too frequent cleaning.

This has not been my experience. Yes, Cannister filters are great. I love my fuval 304. I do clean it out every few weeks to avoid the build up of nitrites. Sounds big, takes 10 minutes. I think you would be happy with one. The Magnum HOT model is also very popular with other seahorse keepers I know.

UVs are good, and often used in addition to other filtration systems, although i dont know a whole lot about them.

UV's are great. Love mine! As Dragonscales said they sterilize any single celled organism that goes through them at higher flow rates and kill parasites as well at lower flowrates. I would run this after the cannister to ensure the water passing through is clean so a bacteria can't hide on a piece of dietrius and escape safe and grow immunity or resistant.

The other great benifit is they kill micro algaes. Very good addition to the system if you have the cash.

Protein skimmers are very important as well.

For what? I have run seahorse systems for years without one. I don't think they belong on a seahorse tank unless it is housed in the sump. The problem with skimmers is seahorses that are pre disposed to Gas Bubble Disease will have problems in a tank with a skimmer. How do you find out if your seahorses is predisposed to GBD ? ? ? You come home and find him floating, unable to regulate his bouancy. The disease is treatable. It is not a death sentence if you know what your doing or know who to ask for help, but I choose not to risk it.

I did keep a Remora Pro in my sump for a couple months but had to remove it because it was out competeing my macro algaes for nutrients.

As for LR, the amount doesnt really matter. A lot of times, i hear 1 pound per gallon. Im not sure the point of this. Maybe it is how much fits well? IDK.

I would say it matters a great deal if you are looking for the rock to aid in the biological filtration. I would get at least one pound per gallon or even a pound and a half, or more. It does depend on how it fits, and aquascaping. I have over 2 lbs per gallon with tons of swim room.

You will want to make sure you fully cure your LR. This will remove any unwanted hitchikers that will later cause problems in your system. It is so important and so many skip this step. If you want to keep seahorses you really need to cure your rock.

Ive heard of anemones hitch hiking on LR, so just examine it before you buy it. And if u get home and find something undesireable u can probably go exchange it for another one. They can be VERY hard to get off a rock, sometimes impossible. Once i had one that was intertwined in the rock so far we had to chisel that part of the rock off because it just wouldnt move. {then took it back to my LFS and it came off the next day, then reattatched, then unattatched, then someone fnally bought it and i got my missing rock back!}

Like I said you need to cure your rock. You don't want the hitchhikers, you want the benificla bacteria used to help filter the tank.

If there is an anemone or aiptasia on the rock there are inexpesive products like Joe's Juice, that will remove the offender with a single squirt in a matter of seconds.

Where did you hear about clams and scallops not being good tank mates? They arent aggressive, dont move, as far as I know are nice additions to any tank.

They are not good tank mates. Clams and seahorses have no business being in the same tank together. All who have tried that I know of swear they will never do it again due to there experiences. It is not a good idea. It only takes one time to kill the fish.

One coral banded shrimp would probably be a nice addition to your tank. I say one because they fight if not in pairs.

Uh . . no it wouldn't. If you want to keep shrimp I would go with peppermints as your best option. Cleaners are O.K. IME but I have read of others accounts that the cleaning actions of the shrimp causes the seahorses stress. If your not going with any corals you could get saron, or camel as well.

Aragonite reef sand provides great filtration of ammonia nitrites and nitrates, and you may consider using a bag of wet or "live" sand as well.

A sand bed will provide filtration once it becomes established. The live sand is already alive. I tend to by dead things now and just spend longer cycling my systems. It is much easier IME if you know everything that you are putting in your tank and not getting some unidentified or wanted speciment, like a bristleworm, or mantis shrimp ( although mantis doesn't come in livesand but bristleworms do. BTW Cure your rock, mantis do come in there)

RO water is always the best route.

Right On

Your research is as good as mine as far as finding the temp. and kH for that specific species of seahorse.

For Erectus you want to keep them between 72-75 F. The higher temps are more condusive to bacteria growth and potential problems. Over 78 will cause the seahorse stress.

After it has been cycled with LR, add some snails, hermits, whatever for cleanup of brown algae you will go through. All stars and seahorses need VERY stable conditions so make sure to add things slowly so you dont have too much bioload for the tank to handle at once.

For snails I would recommend Astrea, or Naussarius, Turbo's grow big and can knock over rocks. Margarita's are really a temperate speices that don't fair well in tropical tanks. Naussarius is also efficent at stirring the sand bed.

For hermit crabs, THE ONLY CRAB I HAVE FOUND TO BE SAFE IS THE SCARLET REEF HERMIT CRAB. I would stay far away from all others.

You will need to test out the food at the LFS and see what they will eat and how much. Always feed marine based foods, and if it needs to be freshwater, use a good vitamin supplement to soak it in. Twice a day is good, but only feed what they will eat otherwise the ammonia may creep up on you.

Find out what the LFS is feeding them. MAke sure you see them eat a few pieces of frozen before you buy them. Buy the same kind the LFS is using. You will want to thaw the frozen mysis in salt water. Rinse it off in a small net, and then soak it with enrichment such as Selco, or Vibrance II. Mysis enough is not nutritous enough with enrichment.

If you are going to feed live food, don't feed marine live food, unless it is gaurenteed to be 100% pathogen free. One of the major reasons people have so much more succsess with CB as opposed to WC is beacuse they are free of parasites. Any WC marine shrimp will be bringing these parasites in to your system and directly into there digestive track. Not a good idea.

As far as dumping a bunch in, it will work, kinda. Seahorses don't have a stomach like we do. They never get full. They will eat and eat and eat forever. When there digestive track is full, they will push out the undigested food and make way for the new stuff coming in. There was an experiment with raising seahorse fry that found that having the food stocking densities to high, actually caused the fry to starve to death. intresting how something can starve to death by overeating. But the abudance of food meant that no time was given for the food to ever digest. The fry were actually pooping out live BBS.

When I go on vacation for a few days I order a couple hundred marine shrimp from seawaterexpress and toss them in. Sometimes there are some left.

You should feed them what they can eat in 20 minutes. When you cycle your tank you should make sure it can handel the bioload for what you need to feed your seahorses to save you from having to take all the left overs out. A feeding dish is also a great tool in keeping the tank clean, if you choose to do so. It is a fancy way of saying put the frozen in a removable shell or bowl, place the dish in the same spot everyday and the seahorses will catch on.

I would feed twice a day, 6 days a week.

As far as your setup.

I would go with the HOT Magnum on the 29g, if you haven't already. I would start with 30 lbs of fully cured Liverock, and about a two inch sand bed.

The whole 3x turnover thing IMNSHO is a bunch of hooy. My turnover is closer to 8. Used to be 10. Seahorses have never had a problem. The key is to breaking up the return so it is not all directed in one spot creating a huge current that willblow theseahorses around. I have some of the return directed at the waterline for surface agitation, some towards the back of the rock, some toward the back of the tank, so and and so forth. My return is broken up into 6 different places, so while there is alot of flow, it is not so strong the seahorse can't swim through it. You will be able to look at the tank and tell if the seahorses are being blown around, if so, turn it down, or break it up. I would not run a tank with the flow being under 5x the tank volume per hour. JME

Feed the system pure unscented amonia everyday for a couple of weeks. IF you are unable to get pure unscented amonia then you can use frozen mysis, or table shrimp from the grocery store. Honestly for the first couple weeks, I wouldn't even test the water. I would just add one ounce of amonia at morning and at night every day.

After a couple weeks add the amonia, wait an hour and test the tank for amonia. If there is any detectable level, your tank is not done cycling. You have to wait until the amonia hits zero after you have added some in. that means that enough bacteria has grown to handel the bioload for your system.

You will get a diatom bloom next which looks like a brown slimy algae. Normal, don't worry about it. You can add your snails and scarlet reef hermit crabs then. Wait a couple days and add any tankmates you like.

I have ound I enjoyed keeping goby's best next to seahorses. My favorites have been

Twinspot, cute and a good sand sifter. Friend named him Confuscious because he looks so wise

Yellow Watchman goby, sand sifting kinda shy, does well with a pistol shrimp for a friend

Firefish , get a couple so you can see them interact

Dragonet or manderine, not really good for your tank, sorry

Any shrimp Goby.

All of these are peaceful and make good tankmates IME. I try to remeber when I choosing tanmates that I am setting up an ecosystem. Nothing but the eahorse is ornamental, everything else has a job. I think it has been good for me because I understand what everything in my tank, does, and needs. It will make you a better keeper.

In a 29g you could do 4 erectus a couple of gobies and a cleanup crew IMO as long as you have decent filtration, and stay atop of your parameters. I would start with 2 and add 2 later from the same breeder. (The same breeder part is so important, but this post is already long enough). I would not put more than 4 horses in a tank that size IMO.

I don't mean to come off so arguemenative, but I do disagree with alot of what was posted. I think forums like this are designed for debate, but at the same time we all have different experience levels. From my years of experience abd research, I have found these things to be true. I do not mean any disrespect at all towards anyone. I am just here to share what I know.

Here are some links you might find helpful or interesting

Hope this helps.

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