Love them!!
I cross stitch too - but need new glasses and with other stuff, I haven't stitched much for the last year. When I get new glasses and real life stuff calms down a bit, I want to get back to stitching!
Because I cross stitch too, I can see how detailed and how much work went into your completed ones!! Means lots of thread changes and a lot of different flosses to work with, and detailed complex patterns like these take a long time! But the process is the fun for me, and it feels great when you've finished a weeks or months long project!
Do you use hoops, or frames, or larger stitching set ups to work on these? I tend to stick with hoops, even with larger projects. Tried a square frame that clips the aida, but find that gets heavy to work with, or the fabric protector around the frame gets in my way and bugs me. But I still use it sometimes when it's a larger area.
I used to have a larger project I'd be working on at home, but also have a small pack that has a smaller work, the floss needed, needles and scissors and a hoop etc, so I can take it somewhere if it involves sitting and a long wait - like when I sprained my ankles (both of them! Ouch) tendons/ligaments badly in a fall and had a long wait at the hospital so they could x-ray and make sure they weren't broken. I knew it would be a long wait in the ER, so grabbed my travel cross stitch bag and a book so I could keep myself occupied while waiting. It helps to get in the zone and tune the world out a bit.
I'm terrible for not "finishing" projects through! I have whole stacks of cross stitches I've completed, but haven't framed or made into a cushion or anything like that. I did a project where a cross stitch magazine did a series of patterns of British birds, 12 different cross stitches. My dad is bird mad, so I made all 12 and gave them to him for Christmas, and he loved them! I wanted to make them into a quilt for him, and told him that was my plan, but learning how to quilt is a whole different skill set! Especially since I don't have a sewing machine anymore.
It's a shame to have all these completed cross stitches just tucked away in a tub! But it's making them that I enjoy the most. Have a few framed (that I framed myself) that I'd given to parents or gifted to other people, but also have some I'd like to give away, or frame and hang. This is motivating me to get them out, washed, dried, ironed and turned into finished projects I can gift, donate, or keep and display somehow.
Thanks for sharing these! When I get around to it, I'll take some photos to share of mine too.

Just wanted to say from a fellow cross stitcher, I know how much time and work you put into these! They're beautiful. It's nice to have your work displayed around your house too.