To me, it appears that the "head" actually folds back, and becomes undistinguishable, as the critters extends to lurch
What appears to rest at the top of the burrow (the "head"), and what returns to the burrow after lurching, is not the same image...if we assume it lurches head first, and recoils head last...which is not even a given, at this point
A set of nice high-speed photography equipment, and one to operate it, would give us some interesting images, surely
What appears to rest at the top of the burrow (the "head"), and what returns to the burrow after lurching, is not the same image...if we assume it lurches head first, and recoils head last...which is not even a given, at this point
A set of nice high-speed photography equipment, and one to operate it, would give us some interesting images, surely