I'm going to do a proof by contradiction here, if you have half a ganglion in your head you will follow my logic if you are stupid, you will go on feeling that fish don't feel pain.
Scientists argu that since fish react in a reflexator manor to pain stimulus that they don't need the sensation that humans have as pain.
Humans also react in a reflexatory mannor to pain, if you spill coffee on someone they react nearly a full secon before they know that coffee has been spilled.
When we experience a pain stumulus we don't feel the sensation of pain for a short while, giving us time to act to escape the pain stimulus, since we escape the pain stimulus without the sensation of the pain sensation and with the aid of reflexes we must not have the pain sensation.
BUT we do have the pain sensation, so the initial postulate that fish don't feel pain because they are reflexatory animals is proven false.
If you want to disagree with me and prove yourself an idiot go right ahead, I wont stop you.
When you explore the idea of the pain sensation you realise that its not in order to get us to flee a painful situation but to teach us to avoid that situation in the first place, stick your hand in hot water and it hurts, next week you see hot water and don't stick your hand in, since fish can learn just like we can they too need the pain sensation to teach them.
BTW CFC, do you think the fishermen who kill the fish that end up in your fish paste do it in a painless manner, IME fishermen hit the fish with a spikey club and/or leave them to suffocate.