Crazy High Ammonia Levels?

Just for kicks I'd suggest taking a sample of your water to the LFS (local fish store) and have them test it, just to see what their results are. Have you accounted for all your fish? I'd think it would be very easy with your tank setup to lost track of something (including uneaten food) in those layers and layers of rocks, which are impossible to clean thoroughly.

All the fish are there. When I feed them they all come to the top of the tank so its rather easy to count them. The 1 little pleco is always sitting on a rock somewhere.

I did a 90% water change and a very thorough vacuum job. I moved all the gravel around and got as much junk out as possible. There was hardly any water left in the tank after I was done vacuuming. I honestly added atleast 30 gallons of fresh water to a 36 gallon tank. Then next day the ammonia still reads 8.0. It just doesnt make sense lol.

All the fish are fine.

My head is spinning here

The use of Ammo lock will give false readings on a test kit. After a few water changes, there should be no more of it present. Try doing a reading then.

This is interesting and I was thinking that the api ammo lock might be the cause for the false reading. I add the ammo lock to the tank after adding tap water the was already treated with aqueon water conditioner because my tap water naturally has .25ppm of ammonia in it. So I wanted the tank water to be as close to 0 ammonia as possible.
Ammo-lock just basically prevents the ammonia from harming your fish, but doesn't remove any ammonia from the water.

I assume it works in the same way as Prime, in that it converts the ammonia to ammonium. Generally, our kind of test kits cannot tell the difference between the two (neither can the bacteria in the filters, they eat ammonium just as much as ammonia) - so the test kits give "false" results - the chemicals are still there, just in a non-toxic form, and only for a few days.
Again, take your water to the LFS to test. An ammonia reading of 8.0 truly doesn't make any sense. Your house would reek of the smell! And while you're at the LFS, get some Seachem Prime or StressCoat + which deactivates the ammonia.
Yep I have that same #138## kit, man! I had the same perplexing results as you. I read the fine print on the little instruction booklet that comes with it, you know? Guess what? It will not give accurate results with certain water conditioners. Tetra being one of them. I can't find the bloody thing now of course, to tell you exactly the chemical that mucks up the results. I switched to Prime and now I get good results every time.
Im suprised nobody has commented on the stocking in your tank yet, a tad on the small size for this kinda fish, if im not mistaken?

Have you tried a 90% water change and taken another reading? I think i would parp my pants if i came back with a test that colour. :|
Ive had my 36 gallon tank up and running for about 4 months. Tank was fully cycled after a few weeks using tetra safe start. I have 12 cichlids (4 yellow labs, 4 acei, 4 red zebras) in the tank and 1 pleco. All about 1-2".

Before these high ammonia levels, I did 50% water changes each week and vacuumed once a month. My water levels were always 7.4-7.6ph, 0-.25ammn, 0 NI, 20-40 NA.

About 2 weeks ago I checked the water and the nitrates were between 80-160 (closer to 160 but hard to tell), 0 nitrites and .25ammn. I did a 75% water change and the nitrates were down to about 20.

3 days ago I checked the water and the ammonia looks like its between 4.0 and 8.0!!! Nitrates looked to be around 80-160 again. I changed roughly 80% of the water and checked the levels an hour later. Nitrates were down to 20 but the ammonia was still between 4.0 and 8.0. I added prime to the tank b.c I was worried for the fish.

The next morning I removed all the fish, rocks and decor. I vacuumed the gravel thoroughly making sure to stir up all the gravel and I changed about 90% of the water.

I checked the water today and the ammonia is between 4.0-8.0 again after a vacuum and 90% water change. 7.0PH, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 10.

All the fish are very active (like always) and they are showing no signs of stress. I have 2 HOB filters with carbon filters, fluval foam around the filter intake pipe and aquaclear biomax inserts inside both of the filters. I changed the carbon filters about 3 weeks ago. Ive had the biomax inserts in the filters for about 2-3months. I rinse the fluval foam inserts once a week with tank water to clean them out.

Whats causing this ammonia spike?

Edit - Tank temp 80°, Im using gravel, food is NLS cichlid pellets, I feed them 2x a day.

Is there something wrong with my ammonia test kit? If the ammonia was really 4.0-8.0 for 3 days wouldnt these fish be dead by now?

I'm just very uncomfortable with this sentence...My Fishless cycle is at about this stage, and i know Fish In cycles can take longer.

I'm just concerned thses filters are still in the process? :/

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