
99.99% of people will react to a bristleworm sting with either pain, itching, rash, or all of the above.

Well lucky me, two days ago I got a bite AND a sting! And yes it does give all of the above LOL not just at the point of the encounter either, which was my wrist...rash all the way up the arm and shoulder. I was an idiot and reached into a clump of macro in my 12g without gloves, thinking I could see everything. I brushed against a particularly large one that decided to taste me as well. The places where I got stung by the spines don't really show up, but the jaw-marks look like a spider bite. Thus, I have made a contribution to science by futher proving the hypothesis that gloves are good! :X
Have you gotten rid of your bristleworm "problem" yet september?

I dont think so, I went on vacation to L.A last week and I came back a few days ago and haven't found them as active. Hopefully they all starved and died. :rolleyes: . But that means there must be a fat one somewhere that ate all the corpses.
i have huge red ones and ive seen probably about 5 diferent ones so by my calculations i have 6000000000000000 bristles in different sizes lol :p also an update for those who have been folowing my tank seen a load of tuny snails all over the glass and hundreds of pod cultures
i have huge red ones and ive seen probably about 5 diferent ones so by my calculations i have 6000000000000000 bristles in different sizes lol :p also an update for those who have been folowing my tank seen a load of tuny snails all over the glass and hundreds of pod cultures

Lucky, I wish I had some pods left. My clownfish ate them all, the only time I saw them was the first week I set up my tank then when I put the fish in they all dissapeared.
I was searching on the net and found an article of someone who kept mandrins in their nano.. no wait it was one of the fish magazines... anyway.. he was able to wean them off the copeopods and on to caviear(sp) I thought that was interesting.. I wonder if it would work for more types of fish..

just a thought.
Mandarins can be weaned onto frozen and prepared foods, its just you need a co-operative little specimen! :lol: Mr Sept. theres various ways you can encourage pods to re-populate. Grow some cheatomorpha, you should be able to pick some up dirt cheap in the states.

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