Could I Euthanase With Alcohol?

Well, working on that theory, leaving kitty's aside, on a farm yard if a horse is ill, they shoot it in the head, or a pig ect. You wouldnt be able to do that to a kat or dog ect. Its a matter of people have created a bond, thats why you wouldnt dream of doing that to your 'domesticated' animals. You would hardly take a fish to the vets to put to sleep would you! Read the sticky in the top of this section about euthenasing fish, every one has different opinions, no one is judging anyone. Its a difficult subject to approach anyway and statements like 'so you would hit your kitty around the head' dont really help. GRJ :unsure:

well done GRJ, good post, very much agree :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
Well, working on that theory, leaving kitty's aside, on a farm yard if a horse is ill, they shoot it in the head, or a pig ect. You wouldnt be able to do that to a kat or dog ect. Its a matter of people have created a bond, thats why you wouldnt dream of doing that to your 'domesticated' animals. You would hardly take a fish to the vets to put to sleep would you! Read the sticky in the top of this section about euthenasing fish, every one has different opinions, no one is judging anyone. Its a difficult subject to approach anyway and statements like 'so you would hit your kitty around the head' dont really help. GRJ :unsure:

well done GRJ, good post, very much agree :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

Thanks Fry Lover, always a hard subject to talk about isnt it, yet necessary. :good:
I used brandy once. It was immediate and effective.
yep, after a stressful day, a bit of brandy goes a long way
Well, working on that theory, leaving kitty's aside, on a farm yard if a horse is ill, they shoot it in the head, or a pig ect. You wouldnt be able to do that to a kat or dog ect. Its a matter of people have created a bond, thats why you wouldnt dream of doing that to your 'domesticated' animals. You would hardly take a fish to the vets to put to sleep would you! Read the sticky in the top of this section about euthenasing fish, every one has different opinions, no one is judging anyone. Its a difficult subject to approach anyway and statements like 'so you would hit your kitty around the head' dont really help. GRJ :unsure:
I appreciate that but I really struggle to understand why people wouldn't want to use clove oil? It's like £5 for enough to last your entire fish-keeping life and it's so much less stressful for the fish.
How do you know its less stressfull? How do you know it doesnt burn their skin? I use clove oil, but you dont know how it makes them feel. How do you know it isnt really uncomfortable for them? It isnt instant, it still takes a fair few seconds. I am not getting into conflict with you, but no one but the fish knows. GRJ :unsure:
Well, I think it's fair to say that going by there less-than-stressed reaction that they seem to find it less stressful. Clove Oil is a sedative for aquatic life so essentially all your doing is overdosing on a sedative, so falling asleep is all that will happen. OATA (Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association) who we deal with via the shop etc. provide the most hard-evidence on the benefits of clove oil within the aquatic hobby.
Well, all i can say is that we all have our own methods, i was merely stating an opinion of many aquarists, not just me. I myself se clove oil, as i have said in my previous posts. There are some that believe that clove il is not an acceptable method, and that was on this site but, each to their own! GRJ :rolleyes:
suffice to say there are several different ways of doing this. circumstances and personal preferences usually being the deciding factor. all are effective, in their own way.
I finally just recently found clove oil (actually a euthanizer offered by DrsFosterandSmith) after these several years. I asked my lps and they freeze them and recommended that. They are, by the way a good lps--3rd generation--and the manager of the aquatics is a good guy with many years of experience. Their approach is that as cold blooded animals, the fish just go to sleep without a problem. I have tried bashing the heads in--that was a hit and miss. I have not yet used the euthanize stuff, so I can't comment. But the brandy worked well and the fish showed no stress. It was out almost immediately. I'm afraid I am horrid at this and mostly just let them live until they recover or die. Mostly I don't say I have used brandy because I don't feel like getting hollered at. But since the question was on alcohol I thought I would offer it.

People get very set on their way being the only way. It limits open discussion and exchange of experience, science, et al.

I gotta read the thread, BTW :blush:
i don't understand why go through all that hard work easiest way just flash it down the toilet and it s gone
kadz! Stop that! :flex:

I have used the head smush method on small tetras a few times when I didn't have any other way. (Boys broke in my home and stole my Christmas brandy! That's why I was glad I finally found some euthanizer stuff.) But I have also missed a few times and not hit well, solid, correctly--bad aim. That was wrentching.
i don't understand why go through all that hard work easiest way just flash it down the toilet and it s gone

Regarding "i dont understand"...............I find this formula to be quite useful sometimes

1. Lack of Understanding + Education = Improved Understanding

sometimes there is this formula,

2. Lack of Understanding + no further development, and no real need to develop = neither here nor there

but sometimes (and i think it applies to keeping fish, i might be wrong though)

3. Lack of Understanding + no further development when development is required = backward peep
i don't understand why go through all that hard work easiest way just flash it down the toilet and it s gone

words fail me. and that does not happen often :no: :no: :no: :-( :-(

i don't understand why go through all that hard work easiest way just flash it down the toilet and it s gone

Regarding "i dont understand"...............I find this formula to be quite useful sometimes

1. Lack of Understanding + Education = Improved Understanding

sometimes there is this formula,

2. Lack of Understanding + no further development, and no real need to develop = neither here nor there

but sometimes (and i think it applies to keeping fish, i might be wrong though)

3. Lack of Understanding + no further development when development is required = backward peep

well put :good: :good:
i don't understand why go through all that hard work easiest way just flash it down the toilet and it s gone

Thats the kind of thing we are up against. That is one of the worst things you can do Kadz, and i wont explain why, as you need to read up on the stickys for yourself and understand 'why' what you said is wrong. You are right on one thing though, you really dont understand. GRJ :unsure:

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