Could I Euthanase With Alcohol?

I just put it between two pieces of newspaper, and drop a large rock on it.
Easy and painless.
Most humane way as mentioned above is definitely a quick and instant blow. I put fish into a freezer bag on the floor outside then drop a house brick on to it. Messy but instant which is what a suffering animal deserves.

ice water is not always the answer, though it is in most cases. I recently had to sort a Claris Catfish, even iced water would not do the trick, the fish is well able to stand the temp and the shock. i got a fishing friend to do the deed. however it is only thanks to TFF and CFC, that this poor fish was not dropped into ice water to suffer and not die.

it is rare i suffer, personally, from the loss of a fish. this though hit me hard! i truly hope i never have to do it again.

and always ask, not all tropical fish will die in even ice cold water.
I tend to use boiling water..

Quick and easy...

Luckily I have only had to do it twice in 2 years but when you drop then into boiling water they are dead within about 2 seconds. Don't like doing it but better to get it over with rather than leaving them to suffer.

I'm not about to start an ethical debate but I do have to question whether fish feel pain or not, in the same way as us that is. I'm a keen angler and have hooked the same fish 5 times in the space of 10 minutes. I know it was the same fish because I used an unusual hook on the day. He got off the first 4 times and on the last occassion he had all 5 hooks in a neat row. Would he have carried on if it hurt, I don't know but I doubt it. There are also stories of carp who actually swim in nice and gently and get released only to do it again. In carp circles there is one in particular they avoid because he's so "easy".
On to the more specific subject of euthanasia. We only want to put the poor creature out of it's misery as a last resort so it must be in a sorry state anyway so whatever method we choose is probably a relief to it. As a result of their weakened condition I would have thought that almost any way would be quick. I personally hate the idea of smashing one on the floor but I can understand that it's quick. I think I would go for the hot or cold water option, probably the cold one as it must be like hypothermia which is supposed to be like drifting off to sleep. Never tried it myself but I've read accounts of people who've been "defrosted" as it were, not that they actually froze of course.
I guess it's a debate that will rage as long as we look after animals and attempt to end their suffering where we see it.

Good luck with what ever method you choose, just make it a rare event and quick when there's no option. :sad:
sorry for your loss

luckily i have never had to do this and really dont know what i would be able to face if i ever did

This conversation comes up so regular and everytime I have to bite my lip as to say 'The best method is clove oil' - it's can't be argued and it frustrates me so much that people still rate other methods over it! If it is because people are struggling to source Clove Oil I can help. It's so simple - put fish in bag, add drops of clove oil, fish falls asleep - you wouldn't kill your cat by putting him in the freezer or taking his head off, you would take him to a vet who would send him into a painless sleep, just like clove oil - why don't people use it? I really don't understand.
I'd like to add that "hot" or boiling water is generally not regarded as an acceptable method, in fact, thats me biting my lip writing it in that manor!!!

Perhaps peeps should spend a little but more time on google, as i find it hard to believe they have researched best methods and boiling water has come out on top as a way to put their fish out of its misery / euthanise a fish

now we just have to sit back and wait for all the.................."well it works for me" posts
This conversation comes up so regular and everytime I have to bite my lip as to say 'The best method is clove oil' - it's can't be argued and it frustrates me so much that people still rate other methods over it! If it is because people are struggling to source Clove Oil I can help. It's so simple - put fish in bag, add drops of clove oil, fish falls asleep - you wouldn't kill your cat by putting him in the freezer or taking his head off, you would take him to a vet who would send him into a painless sleep, just like clove oil - why don't people use it? I really don't understand.

new one on me this. however i will look into it. thanks for the heads up :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
I must say, i have used the clove oil method, but i believe there are concerns about wether that is cruel or not, they cant tell us can they! I think fry lover is correct though,a hard slam on a hard surface is the quickest way and most humane way for the fish. Its the fish we have to think of, not ourselves! I know people dont feel comfortable with certain methods, but it is the quickest ways that are the most humane, bash on hard surface or cut through head and stick pin through brain. Oh god, i know that sounds awfull but i read thats was what you should do! Actually, i think it was on a sticky on this forum! Sorry you have to go through this. GRJ :sick:
I must say, i have used the clove oil method, but i believe there are concerns about wether that is cruel or not, they cant tell us can they! I think fry lover is correct though,a hard slam on a hard surface is the quickest way and most humane way for the fish. Its the fish we have to think of, not ourselves! I know people dont feel comfortable with certain methods, but it is the quickest ways that are the most humane, bash on hard surface or cut through head and stick pin through brain. Oh god, i know that sounds awfull but i read thats was what you should do! Actually, i think it was on a sticky on this forum! Sorry you have to go through this. GRJ :sick:

yep as i said, big wimp me, i got a fishing friend to do the deed. effecivly thats what he did.
I must say, i have used the clove oil method, but i believe there are concerns about wether that is cruel or not, they cant tell us can they! I think fry lover is correct though,a hard slam on a hard surface is the quickest way and most humane way for the fish. Its the fish we have to think of, not ourselves! I know people dont feel comfortable with certain methods, but it is the quickest ways that are the most humane, bash on hard surface or cut through head and stick pin through brain. Oh god, i know that sounds awfull but i read thats was what you should do! Actually, i think it was on a sticky on this forum! Sorry you have to go through this. GRJ :sick:

yep as i said, big wimp me, i got a fishing friend to do the deed. effecivly thats what he did.

Yep, me too! Wimp-a-holic! I only had to do it once and i used clove oil! It was fairly quick but i still think bashing is quicker, just cant face up to it! GRJ :sick:
Well working on that theory then.. your kitten is quite ill and needs to be put to sleep, is it not quicker (and even cheaper!) to bang it's little head against a stone in the garden?
Well, working on that theory, leaving kitty's aside, on a farm yard if a horse is ill, they shoot it in the head, or a pig ect. You wouldnt be able to do that to a kat or dog ect. Its a matter of people have created a bond, thats why you wouldnt dream of doing that to your 'domesticated' animals. You would hardly take a fish to the vets to put to sleep would you! Read the sticky in the top of this section about euthenasing fish, every one has different opinions, no one is judging anyone. Its a difficult subject to approach anyway and statements like 'so you would hit your kitty around the head' dont really help. GRJ :unsure:
I use the clove oil method, only fish I've used it on was a CAE. It just sat still until it stopped breathing, didn't seem to be any distress.

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