Corys for fry tank

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Tolak said:
Corys are an excellent idea for a tank with fry, as fry usually need cleaner conditions than adults, and corys feed off the bottom where a lot of waste with bacteria can build up. I've kept pandas & albinos with platy and cory fry, and they never bothered the fry.

How did you have fry if they didn't breed ????? also do you guys think i could get away with 6 albinos in htere or is that pushing it??
6 albino cories would definitely be pushing it if you're looking at this as a fry tank. With it being a fry tank, you're going to want the best water possible, so you won't want to push your stocking limits. Albinos can get to 3-4" so I wouldn't recommend more than 3. If you go with pandas, they're smaller and you could go with 4-5.

Barbels are their little whisker things ;)
Oh okay I am getting ready to go to the lfs and i was wondering what you think I should get if any ??? panda,albino,aenus,or skunk a trio i am thinking are skunk easy to breed ?? i love them and htey are so small :)
I don't know about breeding arcuatus, but albinos are supposed to be pretty easy (relatively speaking). They do get bigger than the little ones you see in the store though. It's hard to say how many to get b/c at that small, they'll be too hard to sex. The standard way is to get 6 juvies and then as they grow, you *should* have at least one of each sex. The problem is that you don't have room in a 10g plus fry to have 6 full grown albinos plus their potential offspring......
Yes, I don't want albinos they just increas my chance of eaten fry .... what about skunk or aneus are they easy to breed and what size ?
albinos are usually aeneus. Skunks are arcuatus and I don't know about breeding them......
parker313 said:
If you're thinking about breeding, you might want to stay away from pandas. They're supposedly harder to breed than some of the other species.
I frikin' agree! :lol: (I'm still mad at them! :lol: )
Hi willywonka099 :)

Do you have salt in the water for your molly fry? :dunno:
Inchworm said:
Hi willywonka099 :)

Do you have salt in the water for your molly fry? :dunno:
No, my mom got me in the habbit of researching pets and after reading what can happen when people dont I always do :) so I know not to use .... my mollies will be introduced into my main 29. w/ salt at about 1 1/2 inch .... I decdided to wait until tommorow to choose my cory species ...... they had aneus labled diff. than the corys ...but I'm still leaning toward skunk ...... inch worm ave you ever bred/kept these ??

Also my tanks urely isn't cycled yet .....but I added water from the main and a hand full of gravel I think I will go ahead and add the corys .... atleast bi-daily water changes so that should help the situation .... I will feed them shrimp pellets .... bbs and bw that sink to the bottom ...... also algae wafers and hopefully eventually some veggies :)
Okay I think I have decided on a trio of skunk corys ...... Any special care ??? Easy or hard to breed ??? Have you kept them inch worm???? will they be okay in an uncycled tank with bi-daily water changes until it is cycled or I get a testing kit ???
Hi willywonka099 :)

I have some of the skunk corys and am very happy with them. They are very lovely fish. Here's a link with some more information about them:

I have not been able to get mine to spawn yet, even though they are mature. If you want to breed your corys, I suggest the C. aeneus, either the bronze ones or the albinos. I also find them to be the most friendly and outgoing of the corys too. You will not be disappointed with them.

Here's another link with information about them:

You will do just fine with 3 of them in your aquarium. I have many different kinds of corys, but they are still my favorites. :thumbs:
Yes,but inchworm, do you think I should get albinos and take the risk of them eating my fry ???? since I know they are more active and quite a bit larger ???
Hi willywonka099 :)

Actually they are about the same size. The albinos are a little smaller than the bronze corys.

They will not eat the fry unless they are laying on the bottom of the tank, and that would only happen when they are very tiny. If you were in doubt about the safety of newborn fry, you might want to keep them in a breeding net for the first week or so, just until the get a little bit bigger then they were at first. After that they should be fine. :D
So will I be okay with the albino you think ?? I want them to spawn and in the store the albino seem the most active .... Do they create alot of waste ?? I have a corner filter should that be adequite with bi-daily wate changes ?
Uhoh ... I was just on that web site inchworm and I found it said "ph 6.0-7.0" this may be a problem b/c my ph is about 7.4 temp is tight on though .... do you think it is alright ?

Also are my chances relatively good of getting atleast 1m and 1f ?
Just returned from the lfs with 3 albino's ......... :::EDIT

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