Cory With Injury?

Thanks Wilder :) It was just to prepare space in my parents house to bring the tanks home with me :p

Just come back to find that her condition has worsened. It's spread to several to patches on her body. I thought it initially looked fluffy, but it's not, it's smooth, almost like a zit.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma now, as I really wasn't expecting to come back to find her like this :( I'm having to move the tanks back to North Wales on Friday, and can only hope the new treatment will start to take effect before then so that she is strong enough to survive the journey.

Fish have the worst timing!

:EDIT: Just got a better look at her, and the two patches on her are in exactly the same places on either side of her body, above her pectoral fins. It's really strange! The original site of "infection" is healed. Will try to get a photo of her in a minite. But I do not want her in this tank any more! The last thing I need is for her to spread something really nasty to the rest of the tank. I can't for the life of me think what this could be though?!
Sorry to hear the cory gotten worse.

You can double dose the anti internal bacteria medication by interpet in severe cases.
I would move the cory back to the hospital tank. Lower temp to 74, and start the internal bacteria medication.

Hows the fish breathing?
Thanks Wilder :( Have just set the hospital tank back up, just waiting for it to heat to the right temperature before catching her. If I'm going to be double dosing, is there much point in me taking more filter media from my main tank? Because the medications were causing ammonia spikes regardless of the fact that I had mature media in there the last time. Should I just keep on top of the ammonia by doing daily water changes, or is it worth trying mature media in there again?

Cory is breathing fine, not acting oddly or as if she's in any discomfort.

I might be able to delay moving her until the 10th of November, so she'll have a week and a bit of being in a hospital tank.
Sorry that your move to wales is not going to plan. It just causes more stress.

I think I would just keep an eye on your water stats. and preform water changes if the ammonia reading goes up.
If the cory starts to act weird with the double dose of medication, do an immediate water change to dilute the medication down.
Hehe, that's very true! Oh well, at least I don't have to move her this weekend. Just need to concentrate getting all the others through the journey ok.

Okie dokie, I'll run a filter anyway so that the water is well oxygenated.

For a couple of days of the weekend (Friday to Sunday), we'll be away again (moving the two main tanks and some other stuff back), and I'm worried about the ammonia levels building up really high as there will be no one to change the water. Is it worth me buying anything like ammo lock to add to her tank for the two days I'll be away?
I have never used ammo lock Flute, so I can't offer any advice on the product.
Maybe ask about ammo lock in tropical discussion.

Good luck at the weekend moving the tanks. Must be a nightmare.

Hope the cory well soon.
Right oh, will do :) I've never used it either so I haven't got a clue! :p Not sure if the internal bacterial medication can be used with ammo lock, so I'll do some research and see what I can use with it.

I can only say that I'm really not looking forward to it. You can't even get bag buddies any more, which would have been a massive help. Oh well, they've survived one journey, hopefully they'll be ok with this next one!
Hope you and the fish have a good journey.
Thanks Wilder :)

Well, what ever is effecting her has disappeared from one side, but is still present on the other side. This has me very confused! It's obviously reacting to bacterial medication, but I've never come across this before, and I can't find anything on google so far that matches what she has.
Is it possible to load a pic of the white patches onto the site Flute.
Is there any signs of red, pink, areas to the white patch.
Columnaris had many disguises and it can also show itself like the fish has been dabbed in white paint.
I'm not having any luck with getting a photo, so I've drawn on an old one :p


Not a very good drawing, but it's as closest as I can get :p One side has disappeared and the other has reduced significantly. The spot that was on her head has disappeared too. No redness or pink either. The closest I can kind of describe it to is a very mild case of carp pox, which it's obviously not going to be o_O

I've had a look through loads of photos of columnaris, and can't find anything similar o_O She seems to be responding to the treatment, anyway, fingers crossed she continues to improve this time.
I can't think what it could be either. But if it's responding to the medication it does sound bacterial.

If any changes Flute just post back on your thread. Good to hear there been some improvement.

Good Luck.
Well, they've all survived the journey. But there's hell of a pH difference, and although I acclimatised them all slowly I wont be happy for a few days until I can see that they're all ok.

Little bronze did a daft thing though- I was about to set up her hospital tank, and decided in the mean time to float her bag in the main tank so that her water would match tank temperature. Opened the top of the bag like I always do so that they get some fresh oxygen. The next thing I know, she's let herself out of the bag and is happily swimming around looking for food. No acclimatisation at all. There wasn't anything I could do really (trying to catch her would have resulted in me pulling the tank apart again and stressing her out further), so I've just left her be for now.

When I checked her this morning I could see that the spots have gone completely. I'll keep a close eye on her over the next few days, but hopefully this will be the end of it!
Thank you for the update.
Glad to hear the cory seems alot better, bless him.
Hope the next few days don't fetch any problems for you.

Good Luck. :good:

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