Cory With Injury?

I agree it might not be seeded.
Is it possible to cut a piece of a matured filter sponge and place in your hospital filter? I used to do that.

If you do have to preform a water change during a med course just add the correct amount of medication back to water removed.

I found tetra's very hard to catch. I had to remove all ornaments, and plants to catch them.

How is the cory?
Tetras and corys are ridiculously difficult! Especially if they have too much cover!

With pinching media- do you think I could get away with adding some ceramic rings to an internal that's not designed to use them? It's a fluval 2+ I think, so only supposed to have sponge in there. But there is room for me to put some ceramic rings in there, as long as it wont hinder the filter. I only have ceramic rings and bio balls in my filters, hence not being able to cut sponge from a mature filter o_O
Never used a filter with ceramic rings. Don't know anything about them.
Could you squeeze some good bacteria from ceramic rings onto the sponge you already have.

I have used ceramic rings now I seen a picture.
Just squeeze some bacteria from the ceramic rings onto the sponge.
I'll stick some in and see what happens. I can't see them causing any problems, just thought it a good idea to ask first.
If ceramic rings fits in your filter it worth a try.
I stuffed a good hand full in and the filter is still running. Hopefully this will be enough for the filter to process everything. I'll take a reading later tonight, and tomorrow morning. If there is ammonia, I'll have to think of a plan B filter wise.

Should I let her settle down before I start medicating? Or should she be fine to start now?
I would suggest starting the treatment now.

Hope the cory makes a full recovery.

Good Luck Flute. :good:
I put ceramic rings from an established filter into a new filter and the cycling took 1 day, even though I dosed 4ppm ammonia :lol:
It should be good enough for one fish. :good:
Thanks for that snazy! I feel more hopeful that the filter will cope now :good:

Wilder, first dose done. I'll keep you updated :)
Gah! Well, the filter is doing something at least.

I tested the ammonia last night and it was at 0.25ppm, so I did a 20 ltr water change (tis a 35 ltr tank). Added 2ml of anti bacterial back in, as per the instructions. Checked this morning and it was at 0ppm.
Just checked it now and it's between 0ppm and 0.25ppm, so I've just done a 10 ltr change. Will give that a moment to settle, and then will test again. Have not re-added any medication back in yet.

My main worry is though do I need to re-add medication every time I do a WC? Because if the filter was cycled, then I'd only add the dose on the first day (which I did yesterday), and then again on the 4th day (Tuesday). But if I'm going to have to do a water change every day, do I just leave it? I don't want to OD her.

I'm hoping it's just a little ammonia spike, and that the filter will start to cope now, but I'm at a loss as to what to do if there is a reading of ammonia every day.

Any suggestions?

A little good news: she's very active today, which is good to see, as she was looking a bit sluggish before I moved her to the hospital tank :good: No obvious signs of change in the thing on her side, although it's still very early days.
Until there's ammonia in the water, it's best to do water changes because ammonia and recovery don't co-exist together.
Aye, no matter what I'll be doing water changes :) I just don't know whether to re-dose or leave it till Tuesday? Hoping that by then the filter will be processing any ammonia, and daily water changes won't be needed.
You could take a ceramic ring from your main tank filter, then squeeze some good bacteria onto the other ceramic ring.

Glad to hear the cory more active than he was.
Filter squeezings never worked for me, only putting enough cycled media in the filter.
Can't remember what meds are you putting, but do they affect the filter bacteria or not?

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