Longest tropical fish lifespan

My Archerfish is now 17 years old so we will see. @TwoTankAmin nailed it. Good stewardship is essential. I didn’t really keep records on the lifespan of my fish until around 2003. What I discovered is they often live much longer than expected. My Mudskippers certainly did.
Ian Fuller has had a corydoras catfish live up to 40 years old, supposedly.

Mind you, I'd say that's exceptional, most definitely not near that.
There used to be a group of half a dozen corys in my local shop's display tank. Apparently they belonged to the manager who claimed that he had had them in his home tank for 34 years. Unfortunately I can't remember the exact species but I recall that they did look rather ancient!
I would expect, that for longest life, you should run the lowest recommended temperature, keep them with peaceful tank mates , not breed them or other induced stress, feed modesty a good quality, varied diet… in other words keep them calm, and don’t let them have any fun…
Many of my fish are between 10-15 years of age including clown loach, boesmani Rainbowfish, yoyo loach and albino corys. I had a common plec that lasted 28 years. As previously said the secret is regular weekly water changes and feeding sparingly.

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