Sounds like a good business to start up in the UK.
Hideously overpriced.What are prices like in the UK, the EU and in Australia?
Everything has gone up around the world since the pandemic, not just fish stuff but everything. Businesses cashing in and taking as much as they can from consumers. Our two major supermarkets here (Coles and Woolworths) were both investigated recently for price matching and price gouging. They were making billions during the pandemic (profits were way higher than pre-pandemic). Governments don't care and are probably involved because they allow it to happen. They allowed covid to spread and screw up economies as well as kill people. It's almost like they wanted this to happen so the rich could get more control on the world and put the rest of us slaves back in the sand pit where we were 200 years ago. The only difference between slavery then and now is the lack of whips, a tiny pay packet, and we can go home to our families at the end of the day. But we still have no money, struggle to pay rent and buy food, and get poorer while the dirty minority get richer and more powerful at our expense.I think there is a degree of serious profit taking with tanks, as the increase in Canada since before the pandemic just doesn't add up. We had very cheap aquariums, for those who shopped around. Our dollar is weak compared to the USD, but pre-pandemic, I paid $25 CAD for a 20 gallon. Now, the same tank would be $75. And in my small city, more than that. If I bought a pallet of 10s, I could get them for $30. I bought some pre-pandemic for $15 each, and saw some poorly made ones for $10.
Here, stores are retreating from dry goods. It used to be fish broke even and profits were from dry goods, but now everyone buys equipment and food online. Fish are what keep a store alive around here, so prices have shot way up. I like to support my lfs, but really don't like their fish.
I don't know if stores in other countries have the same questions.