Cory Fry


Oct 5, 2005
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Edmonton , Canada
About how many days old are cory fry when they accept bbs?

I dont know when to switch from liqui fry food to frozen bbs... so I am using both now.

My fry are 3 days to 1 day old and "seem" to be eating the bbs but I cant be sure,....

Is a daily 10% change enough?
I have heard of some people feeding their fry the baby brine shrimp at 3-4 days old. I fed mine mircoworms at that time because the worms could stay in the water for a while before they died and messed the water up. They also clump up on the bottom when they die and this allows for easy clean up. You definately need to get them off the liquid fry and on to solid foods at 3-4 days old. You could also try crushed flake food. Mine seemed to like that along with the microworms.

Good Luck :thumbs:
Hi newfishaddict :)

Cory fry need lots of clean and fresh water and the sooner you can get them off the LiquiFry, the easier it will be for you to keep the tank clean.

Microworms or bbs are high protein foods that will help them grow fast. They will do your fry good, but if you are using frozen bbs, be careful to remove them and add fresh ones often, so they do not go bad and breed harmful bacteria.

Change lots of water daily. Ten percent might not be enough to remove all the wastes and uneaten food and freshen the water. Don't hesitate to change some in the morning and some at night, at least until they get big enough to eat all their food. :D
Hi newfishaddict :)

Cory fry need lots of clean and fresh water and the sooner you can get them off the LiquiFry, the easier it will be for you to keep the tank clean.

Microworms or bbs are high protein foods that will help them grow fast. They will do your fry good, but if you are using frozen bbs, be careful to remove them and add fresh ones often, so they do not go bad and breed harmful bacteria.

Change lots of water daily. Ten percent might not be enough to remove all the wastes and uneaten food and freshen the water. Don't hesitate to change some in the morning and some at night, at least until they get big enough to eat all their food. :D
Great, that is what I am doing, via your adivce last time (remember all my fry died in a stinky tank)

I think I used to much liquirfy for too long , for howmany fry I had , last time I had about 13 fry and I had no idea how small the BBS were...

I now have 50+ healthy fry!!!! some have grown very fast and are swimming all over....1 or 2 still have egg sack attached.

I also have one mystery fry in a breeding net in the same thank, this fry is still very small and about 3 weeks old, some of the largest cories are bigger already at 3 days old! I suspect this is a neon rainbow fry, do they normally grow very slowly?

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