Cory Cat Died For No Reason, Fish Are Inactive... What's The Probl

Well, there is a problem.

I lowered the water level with 0.5 cms, (.19 inch), and pulled the spraybar uppwards.
It didn't get any better- no sign of improvement... :(

Please help! :(
Could you post a video of the behavior? Maybe I will see something.
When you look at the is it "breathing"? Are the gill movements rapid, deep, slow, etc.?
Unless there is something wrong with the tests I'm having trouble coming up with a water related cause.
It could be fish interaction, lack of hiding spaces, tank in a high traffic area, or some other stress causing factor.
Sorry to hear your corys aren't happy. I'm no expert, but I have 6 peppered corys in 25C water, pH 7.6-7.8, and they're very active. The only real thing that struck me watching your video and comparing with my tank was that yours seems very still in terms of water current and aeration. I have a constant moderate flow and pretty vigorous aeration going on; the corys seem to enjoy spending hours swimming against the bubbling high flow filter output. Could it be oxygen content? Hope you can find a solution soon.....
The only real thing that struck me watching your video and comparing with my tank was that yours seems very still in terms of water current and aeration...Could it be oxygen content?
This is what I've been saying.

After watching the video I still feel this is what it is.

Here's a video I did a couple of years ago on the subject. Someone with a marine tank had much the same situation as you and didn't quite know what I meant by surface agitation so I did a video.

Wow, great video!

I thought I had a pretty good surface agitation, but I was wrong...

It seems like I should buy some wavemakers... Times are though tough, and I am kinda short on money...

How many wavemakers would I need? And what type?

Thank you.
You don't really need wavemakers per se. I like them for marine tanks but they aren't really even required for those. Just good flow.
There are other ways to accomplish it that cost less. Good old fashioned air stones work well too. As those thousand of little bubbles hit the surface they ripple the surface. A small powerhead like a maxi-jet 400 pointed a bit upward will. Perhaps even what you have just angled differently might suffice.
Thank you so much for your help!

So I had an airstone laying around from my previous tank, so I figured I would try to make something that is like bully-wall thing (air pumps, I believe)

And I succeeded to some level, but when I pushed the airstone down in the sand I realized that only bigger bubbles where emitted.
However, I made this short video. The fish do seem to be more active though! :)

I don't think that this setup is gonna cut it so I'll try to work +4 hours on Friday, maybe I can save up for a better aeration system :)
Well in the video it certainly is more active. That's good. Don't go too nuts on the purchase. Something like the Maxi-Jet 400 if pointed right is just perfect.
You're welcome. I hope this really is the problem and that you quickly get it taken care of. Please do let me know how it goes!
Wow, they already look a lot happier than in the first video! It's helped me realise how important bubbles are, thanks!
You're welcome. I hope this really is the problem and that you quickly get it taken care of. Please do let me know how it goes!

Hi again, I have one quick question about buying a powerhead! :)

I've looked around, and the best one I could find was this [powerhead.](

However, it's 5000 liters/hour which is 17 times my tanks volume. You said that I maximum need 10x the volume of the tank.

I am looking at this particular model because I could direct each output to a different place (it comes with tools). For example, I could direct one to the top and one on the sand, to blow away fish poop.

Would it work or is it stupid? Thanks!
I don't even think you need 10x personally. I think you just need to get it moving some, especially at the surface. I think the one from the link is a bit more than you really need to get the job done.
Well thanks, but I kind of want it to blow the sand so all the poop get blown away from sight.

Do you think it would work or would it just stir up the sand completely? Or would it be harmful for the tank/the fish?


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