Cory Behaviour


Essentially Humanoid
Jan 29, 2007
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Leeds, U.K.
Hi all;

I have five Bronze and five Peppered in a well-planted 4ft tank. Over the last few days, I've noticed one of the Peppereds doing what I can only describe as blowing single bubbles at the surface on the side of the tank at the waterline. If it was a Gourami, I'd swear it was building a bubble nest. Anyone guess at what it's doing, please?. I've had them around three months and it's not happened before. You wouldn't believe how loud it is.
I don't think I've ever seen that kind of behavior. I have lots of cories that will run to the surface and grab a bubble of air once in a while but its always a very fast dash. There are never any bubble blowing actions that I've seen.
Is he blowing bubbles or farting? Corys gulp air and after it passes through their system they release it at the other end. :hyper: (Actually the we are educated guessing. As no one has watched the internal workings of the Cory yet. We don't even know for sure how the eggs are fertilized. It is another great Cory mystery! The little devils. :wub: )
Hi j,

It's definitely coming out of the front end. I can even hear it with the telly on. It's actually not unlike that static pop you sometimes get from the screen when you turn the tv off. Never seen any of them do it before the last few days.
He/she's mommy got smitten with a Anabantoid. Or maybe he/she is and is calling for his lover gourami style.
Lol. That is interesting behaviour. I have a pleco that goes upside down at the surface and eats food that is floating on the top.
It's very strange; it actually makes a cracking sound. Not good for the blood pressure when you hear a cracking sound coming from a 40G tank.

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