Corry flicking?


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
UK , South Wales.
Ive 8 corries and reciently been noticing them flicking / scratching them selves agains the bottom or against the bog wood, can any one help diagnose my problem and advise a medication suitable. ;)

Many Thanks!!
Flicking tends to suggest that either you have a parasite (such as that which causes whitespot) in your water that is trying to attach itself to the fish. They flick (scratch) against something to get rid of the parasite.

Other than this it could be the onset of velvet, or another similar irritation.

Having said this, I noticed my pim. pictus catfish doing this once and it worried me. A few water changes later and I havent seen it happen since..

Use a general treatment such as myxazin and treat half dosages for a week and you should see improvement. Do a water change before you start the treatment and a water change the day after you finish and all should go well.

Can you post water stats just to check your water quality in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, flicking and rubbing can be parasites, i agree with the above post, are the gills red and inflamed, any heavy breathing, lis there any little whitespots as though they have been sprinkled in salt, and velvet which can be golden to yellowish dusting, or a brown rusty colour.
Hi a.i.m :)

The one thing your corys probably don't have is ich, since they never seem to be troubled with it like other fish are.

Have you been doing regular water changes? It's not unusual for corys to flick if there are elevated levels of nitrites in the water.

On the other hand, are these the same corys you have been trying to get to spawn? If so, the temperature fluctuations might have caused them to start coming down with a mild bacterial infection, which is the most common disease corys seem to get.

When I see this behavior, I usually do a good water change and add some MelaFix. After a couple of days the situation will either clear up or I will switch to something stronger.

It would be good to keep the temperature at a steady 24 degrees C. (75-76 degrees F.) and be sure there is plenty of water circulation to provide a good amount of oxygen in the water

Thanks for all your replys!

Water stats:

pH 7.2 - 7.3

Ammonia 0.0

Nitrite 0.0

Nitrate 25 ppm

Temp 24 - 26 C

Water changes are being done on a weekly basis.

These are the corys ive been trying to spawn (without any luck). The tank is highly airated , and well circulated with a long air curtain and air sponge type filter.

I carnt visually see any sorta bacterial infections and they dont seem to be breathing heavy.

Ive a young molly in the tank also which is not flicking, and behaving normal.

Ill buy some melafix today and do a good water change.

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