your thoughts here...

What difference does that make?

I contracted COVID-19. People everywhere vaxxed are still contracting it, and a lot are spreading it...most times unknowingly.

It's like wearing a helmet on a.crotch rocket. Some people just get that sense of complete protection, and then plug into the back of a.semi.

A lot of vaxxed folk are going thru life feeling like they are protected, and in reality, spreading this thing.

We just crept up to 80,000 "breakthrough" cases where I live. They used to call this "vaccine failure" when I was a kid. 4.5% of those people have died. Vaccinated breakthrough case death rate tops the national death rate in the US since the start (1.6%). They like to water that down to breakthrough death rate is 0.01%. This is true for the entire pandemic, but it is dishonest reporting.

It doesn't matter if I got vaxxed. I contracted it. It came from a vaxxed individual. I'm not knockin.him for his choice to get it. I'm pissed at his continued recklessness because of it. This is simply one of many stupid things this guy has done. It's surprising he still has all his fingers and toes. The fallout from it has reached deep into the family, both vaxxed and unvaxxed. It could have been prevented if the idiot woulda used a kleenex.
I’m assuming that because you can’t give a straight “yes” the answer is no.

Having the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting the virus, and I think most people understand that. What is does do is greatly reduce the symptoms and chances of dying.

That is the reason I have had both doses and my booster. I now have 93% protection according to the medical advice.

I have continued to wear a face mask in enclosed spaces even since they became non-mandatory a while back. I continue to carry antibacterial wipes in my handbag and wipe down shopping trolley handles before touching them, and carry antibacterial hand gel etc. (Much to my daughters amusement, as she doesn’t).

I do a lateral flow test before I go into work (just one day a week at the moment), or to any other ‘event’ were I will be indoors with people I don’t normally mix with.

Masks are now being bought back as mandatory with this new variant discovered in South Africa now having known cases in the UK.

IMO, people should be moaning less about having their liberties removed because they have to wear a mask and doing more to prevent the spread and risk to themselves - we all complain about the ‘Nanny State’ when rules get imposed on us but it is our own health/life and I for one, will remain proactive in maintaining that to the best it can be with my other long term health conditions.
Plus, my shoulder is still sore from about four weeks ago and I now think it is never going to be right again. The Doctor says take paracetamol.
The new South African strain is believed to be a mutated version that has stolen some genes from the AIDS virus, which allow the covid19 virus to attach to cells easier and bypass more of our body's defenses. This sort of thing regularly happens with bacteria whereby they take genes from other species of bacteria and combine them with their own. If this is the case, we could be in for a world of hurt with new strains of covid19 that could combine all sorts of nasty genes from other viruses, including Ebola. If they get genes from Ebola, we could be up the creek without a paddle.

This new strain is why poor countries and third world countries need to be vaccinated asap. These places are breeding grounds for diseases and have poor medical care. If people get sick, they usually go home and spread the disease to other family members, who take it out into the community and help it spread. These countries should have been done before richer countries.
I have continued to wear a face mask in enclosed spaces even since they became non-mandatory a while back. I continue to carry antibacterial wipes in my handbag and wipe down shopping trolley handles before touching them, and carry antibacterial hand gel etc. (Much to my daughters amusement, as she doesn’t).
Do the anti-bacterial wipes and hand gel kill viruses too?
You need to make sure it does because viruses and bacteria are completely different things. Covid19 is a virus and does not respond to anti-biotics so you need to make sure any hand sanitiser/ gels and wipes kill viruses as well as bacteria.

Alcohol based hand sanitisers will kill virus, yeast, fungus and bacteria on the skin and on smooth hard surfaces.

Plus, my shoulder is still sore from about four weeks ago and I now think it is never going to be right again. The Doctor says take paracetamol.
see another doctor.
Do the anti-bacterial wipes and hand gel kill viruses too?
You need to make sure it does because viruses and bacteria are completely different things. Covid19 is a virus and does not respond to anti-biotics so you need to make sure any hand sanitiser/ gels and wipes kill viruses as well as bacteria.

Alcohol based hand sanitisers will kill virus, yeast, fungus and bacteria on the skin and on smooth hard surfaces.


see another doctor.
Do you know what the problem is? We live in a tiny community with just one doctor who controls everything. It is almost impossible to be treated outside of where you live.
Do you know what the problem is? We live in a tiny community with just one doctor who controls everything. It is almost impossible to be treated outside of where you live.
I live in a city suburb where there used to be 6 GP practices all owned or run by different families or companies.

Three years ago one company bought up the other five, so now there is zero choice on doctors.

I have not seen mine in over three years.....she turned up unannounced at my door late at night a couple of weeks ago to do a very overdue medication review.....I was fast asleep so missed her. She emailed to let me know she had called round "on the off chance". I replied that it would have been nice (indeed courteous) to have given me advanced notice of her arrival even if only earlier in the day so that I would be able to see her. She has yet to respond but has changed the medication dosage anyway without seeing or speaking to me.

So I totally understand your predicament @itiwhetu
Do the anti-bacterial wipes and hand gel kill viruses too?
You need to make sure it does because viruses and bacteria are completely different things. Covid19 is a virus and does not respond to anti-biotics so you need to make sure any hand sanitiser/ gels and wipes kill viruses as well as bacteria.
The packaging says 99.9% effective against bacteria and viruses, including Covid-19. So, I hope so…
Plus, my shoulder is still sore from about four weeks ago and I now think it is never going to be right again. The Doctor says take paracetamol.
I’m not sure how this statement relates to my post?
The sore shoulder from @itiwhetu is from a month ago when he got his vaccination. He still has pain and shouldn't so we suggested a new GP.
The sore shoulder from @itiwhetu is from a month ago when he got his vaccination. He still has pain and shouldn't so we suggested a new GP.
GP is general practitioner right? A month is a while to still have shoulder pain. Do they have prexisting conditions?
GP is general practitioner right? A month is a while to still have shoulder pain. Do they have prexisting conditions?
No pain until I got vaccinated. It was bad with the first injection, and it is worse now that I have had the second. It has been suggested that they hit a nerve in my shoulder. It has also been suggested that it is psychosomatic and stop thinking about it. Which can I say is hard to do when it hurts all the time, and I can't lie on my right-hand side anymore.
No pain until I got vaccinated. It was bad with the first injection, and it is worse now that I have had the second. It has been suggested that they hit a nerve in my shoulder. It has also been suggested that it is psychosomatic and stop thinking about it. Which can I say is hard to do when it hurts all the time, and I can't lie on my right-hand side anymore.
Owwwww. Can you still use it or is it like a permanent cramp?

Also in other news Canada has omicron variant now nOOOOOOO

Why did it have to be such a scary name too surely there are other ones like

γ Gamma
η Eta
ψ Psi
χ Ksi
σ Sigma
τ Tau
ρ Rho
π Pi
ι Iota
λ Lambda
φ Phi
ξ Xi
ζ Zeta

Surely there are better names

edit: they are not in order. Why they had to choose a letter with the scariest name but the most boring character I have no clue.
Wow. Looking back at the beginning of this thread reminds me of how naive and unprepared we were, and just how scared the world was and the only reason we beat back the first wave in the first place.
Owwwww. Can you still use it or is it like a permanent cramp?

Also in other news Canada has omicron variant now nOOOOOOO

Why did it have to be such a scary name too surely there are other ones like

γ Gamma
η Eta
ψ Psi
χ Ksi
σ Sigma
τ Tau
ρ Rho
π Pi
ι Iota
λ Lambda
φ Phi
ξ Xi
ζ Zeta

Surely there are better names

edit: they are not in order. Why they had to choose a letter with the scariest name but the most boring character I have no clue.
It gets better as the day goes on. But it is like that feeling you get if you are punched and get what we call a dead arm. It is that sort of pain.

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