Well Australia is just stupid. The WA government opened the border and is allowing people in from the eastern states and they don't have to quarantine when they get here. However, there are still active cases in the east including a new outbreak in New South Wales (NSW). That new case is from a cleaner at one of the quarantine hotels, and they have been working in several other hotels as well. Making it worse, they use the trains to get around and have potentially contaminated thousands of people on public transport as well as people in various hotels.
The same thing happened in Victoria 6 months ago and caused them to lock down and now New South Wales has done exactly the same thing.
Seriously, if you have a quarantine facility, you only let certain people onto that facility and you don't let them go anywhere until that facility and everyone in it is cleared of the disease. Fuplie stupid government.
The NSW government is easing restrictions there and allowing people to have a 2m square area around them (1 meter on each side). This is less than the world health organisations and the federal government's guidelines, which is a 4m square area per person.
The NSW government is opening up night clubs and pubs and allowing unlimited numbers to weddings and funerals. People are having 100-500+ people at their weddings. If one person has covid19 at the wedding, it's over if 100 or more people get it at one place.
The way the governments in Australia are acting, you would think it was over but it's not.
Tonight at the shops a lady was coughing in one of the isles. I had a bunch of people walk up and stand next to me including a kid that wouldn't go away when I told them to get away from me.
Nobody is social distancing and there is still a virus here causing heaps of people to cough. This coughing virus has been going on for 6 months now and nobody in the government cares. What the hell is going on here?
edited to add the South Australia Police minister has over-ridden the Chief Health Officer and said businesses can open up and do normal things, and basically lifted the social distancing laws.
How can a minster (member of parliament) override the Chief Health Officer during a pandemic?
OMG, the people in this country are stupid.