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He's probably better off avoiding the tennis anyway, half the players at one of the tennis tournaments last week now have covid19.

Various Australian football players went off a few weeks ago to play footy (not soccer) in the eastern states. A number of those players are now confirmed to have covid19 too.

Latest news just then, the idiot Premier of WA is going to let players into WA and self quarantine at home instead of an official government monitored hotel. And they are going to be allowed to player against each other during that 2 week quarantine period.

These players regularly do stupid things because they have too much testosterone and are missing a few brain cells from the drugs & booze they take, not to mention the brain damage from being hit in the head while playing. And yet the government is going to trust them to self quarantine and play sport straight after they came back from a state with a growing infection rate.

I really don't understand the Premier of WA, one minute he seems to be doing everything right, and now he does something dumb like this.
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“Anti vaxxer” oh yeah i’m just going to make myself vulnerable to deadly and contagious diseases and hope that herd immunity stops me from getting them.

Well, they don't avoid them, they don't mind getting them because they believe getting disease grows your immune system stronger. There is actually evidence that people who are growing up around clean hygienic areas are more likely to get ill than others becaue their immune system never developed much strength. I#ve heard people say that hospital workers have really strong immune systems, but then someone said to me once their partnet were in hospital work, had no illnesses but then when they left, they got ill all the time. Interesting.
Well, they don't avoid them, they don't mind getting them because they believe getting disease grows your immune system stronger. There is actually evidence that people who are growing up around clean hygienic areas are more likely to get ill than others becaue their immune system never developed much strength. I#ve heard people say that hospital workers have really strong immune systems, but then someone said to me once their partnet were in hospital work, had no illnesses but then when they left, they got ill all the time. Interesting.
But they don't deliberately put themselves the path of disease, do they? I mean - he isn't rushing to get infected to build up his natural immunity, and I'll be he doesn't deliberately expose himself or his family to non-Covid related diseases either. They don't get the diseases just because sensible people are vaccinated - and that keeps THEM safe.

The trouble is, the more anit-vaxxers around, the more likelihood that many disease make a resurgence. This is brutally unfair on the vulnerable individuals who CAN'T be vaccinated eg children with cancer. It means that if (say) measles breaks out, your unvaccinated kid may be lucky and only go blind- the one next door who catches it off yours, and who wasn't vaccinated because he was vulnerable, may die.
Washington and Oregon finally have a law that you have to wear masks in public. About time
Well covid19 is taking off over east in Victoria and New South Wales. It's not as bad as the US but it is the worst it has been in Australia. It is localised infections being spread by immigrants who are not following the laws about isolating when sick, and social distancing.

The TV reporter interviewed a guy from the middle east who is living here now. His response is "I don't care if old people die. I don't care about the laws. I don't care if I spread it because it won't kill me".

Needless to say, that didn't go down too well with the reporter. But that is a typical response from a lot of these immigrants that have set up their own suburbs and don't integrate into mainstream society.

These young male immigrants are also regularly seen fighting in public and on beaches. They argue over territory and have gangs that are well known to Police.

This pandemic is going to spread like wildfire because of people like this that don't care about other people. In my opinion, the government should deport them back to where they came from.
Yes the poor citizens living in merry old England stress badly when the temperature goes above 20C. I laugh every time I think about this. Over there they claim it's really hot when it's 30C in the sun. Over here it's hot when it's 40+ in the shade :)
It's all what you are used to. We can't cope with hot weather because it doesn't happen very often. But I remember in the 1970s there was an Australian in our department and his wife couldn't cope with the cold weather. She was miserable the whole winter while we didn't find it bothersome at all.

And of course Geordies are well known for wearing T shirts all winter - outdoors :lol:
It's all what you are used to. We can't cope with hot weather because it doesn't happen very often. But I remember in the 1970s there was an Australian in our department and his wife couldn't cope with the cold weather. She was miserable the whole winter while we didn't find it bothersome at all.

And of course Geordies are well known for wearing T shirts all winter - outdoors :lol:
I went skiing in a wasn't bad
It's a well know thing over here that Geordies who live in north east England are tough, and that southerners are so nesh they have to wear coats in winter ;)
It's a well know thing over here that Geordies who live in north east England are tough, and that southerners are so nesh they have to wear coats in winter ;)
You know it's bad weather when a northener debates whether they need to wear a coat or not. The answer is still usually no:lol:
It's all what you are used to. We can't cope with hot weather because it doesn't happen very often. But I remember in the 1970s there was an Australian in our department and his wife couldn't cope with the cold weather. She was miserable the whole winter while we didn't find it bothersome at all.

And of course Geordies are well known for wearing T shirts all winter - outdoors :lol:
We do!

Only a wuss ever puts a coat on.

And this particular Geordie (well - I'm a Mackem, but they adopted me as member of the pack and raised me as one of their own) has actually plunged into the North Sea in November for a dip.

I have to confess that I came out again PDQ, and that it was not a pleasant experience. I also nearly managed to drown myself because it was so cold that I instinctively gasped a lungful of water in, choking myself, and was very lucky not to have killed myself through sheer stupidity (no-one told me the body's reaction to sudden immersion in icy cold water. The other automatic reaction that I never had heard of, is that you wee yourself. :blush:)

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