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New York state is just under 1/3 the population of Italy. The infecton rate per 1000 people is 3 times higher in New York compared to Italy.
My quote above can easily be proven by taking number of cases in Italy and then New York and dividing the number of cases in each area by the population. New York infection rate is approximately 3 times the rate of Italy. Number of cases in each area are easily found on

Some people just need to do their due diligence and fact checking before accusing someone of posting incorrect facts and then belittling them.
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My quote above can easily be proven by taking number of cases in Italy and then New York and dividing the number of cases in each area by the population. New York infection rate is approximately 3 times the rate of Italy. Number of cases in each area are easily found on

Some people just need to do their due diligence and fact checking before accusing someone of posting incorrect facts and then belittling them.
Look, I apologize to all I offended. I am just frustrated because I am currently employed in Infection Control and we use specific numbers and formulas to come up with our totals. All hospitals in the Nation use these formulas. I assure you that I “Fact Check” all of my numbers. Lol! I wish it were as simple as Fishmanic makes it to be. I know my numbers are correct. They are what is reported to both local and Federal Government. I won’t share any of my information any further. I can’t provide daily specifics anyway. You guys don’t want the truth. I, for the life of me, can’t figure that out. One side note: Not all of the deaths being reported really died from Covid-19. Most were dying of renal failure, heart disease, cancer, etc. However, because they contracted the virus before death, they were counted in the virus numbers anyway. They were already actively dying. This was the case in many of the deaths. That will taint your actual numbers. All I’m going to say in the matter. Stay safe. :)
Look, I apologize to all I offended. I am just frustrated because I am currently employed in Infection Control and we use specific numbers and formulas to come up with our totals. All hospitals in the Nation use these formulas. I assure you that I “Fact Check” all of my numbers. Lol! I wish it were as simple as Fishmanic makes it to be. I know my numbers are correct. They are what is reported to both local and Federal Government. I won’t share any of my information any further. I can’t provide daily specifics anyway. You guys don’t want the truth. I, for the life of me, can’t figure that out. One side note: Not all of the deaths being reported really died from Covud-19. Most were dying of renal failure, heart disease, cancer, etc. However, because they contracted the virus before death, they were counted in the virus numbers anyway. They were already actively dying. This the case in many of the deaths. That will taint your actual numbers. All I’m going to say in the matter. Stay safe. :)

While it may be true that many who died had underlying conditions and may eventually have died from their pre--existing conditions, their catching Covid 19 most probably contributed to a much speedier death.

Also, note that I have read that the number of deaths due to Covid 19 are under reported since many die at home from the virus without having been tested and also many that catch it are asymptomatic and are never tested .

According to statistics on Worldometer, the death rate per million is now higher in New York than in Italy.

We can only pray that a vaccine will eventually prove effective in preventing people from catching the virus. Also, a drug which lowers the effects of the virus, if tested and proven, could greatly lower the overall death rate.

My main apprehension is whether the spread will increase even more once "stay in place" restrictions are eased. Time will tell.

Meanwhile the US and world economies are being very negatively affected and the effects will last months if not years after the virus spread eases.

Stay healthy and stay safe.
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Most of the deaths are in older people. (60 years old +)

Is that information true?
Most of the deaths are in older people. (60 years old +)

Is that information true?
yes, I have read that to be true....I believe I read that over 80% of those that die from Covid 19 are over 60 and many had underlying conditions.
That’s what I was saying when the heat got turned up. New York’s cases are going down. It was originally predicted that 100,000 U.S. Citizens would die. They now say 60,000. They projected the end of May to see the Country begin flattening. They now say April 19th. That is all good news. We will not be talking about Covid-19 in 3 years. Sadly, we will still be talking about the economy. It will still be recovering. Many people will be pushed into poverty and will never climb out. The financial impact of this may put us into another Depression.
I agree the economy may make us suffer for years, I hope it will bounce back fast but I am afraid the little guy and small businesses will have a hard time recovering.
I agree the economy may make us suffer for years, I hope it will bounce back fast but I am afraid the little guy and small businesses will have a hard time recovering.
I know. I believe some of our local businesses won’t be able to hang on. I’ll miss those little Friday night dates at our favorite local places. :(
The real sad thing was that she use to teach grade school and like it but the pay was low and she left to tend bar where she would make more money because it is so expensive in the resort areas
The Australian financial wizzkids reckon the economy won't recover for a generation.
Colin the way our country is in dia straits concerning people living, my hubby as said the same about our country will find it hard recovering.
A doctor in Australia is apparently looking after 600 covid patients in a hotel. The doctor has no help and no protective clothing.

16 million people in Australia are now out of work. Our total population is about 24 million.

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