your thoughts here...

We muslims can not get effected of it. because
we wash our hands and mouth 5 times a day
we dont work with dirty things
we wash after using the bathroom
we care about sexual relation and physical relation.

no religious can easily be attacked by it.
You can still get sick very easily is someone sneezes on you, as @Colin_T described.
Well I went to the local supermarket today to do my usual shopping. They were out of paper towels, toilet paper and tissues. Apparently that is the same right across the country. For some reason, Australians are stock piling dunny paper :)
Well, my Walmart isn’t out of that stuff yet. (Thankfully)

There are no confirmation cases in Kentucky yet.
This morning on whatever the American news was, they said there was 90,000+ confirmed cases worldwide.

There are very few people walking around my neighbourhood nowadays. Last week I would see 10+ people each day when I walked to the shop. This week I have seen 3 people total. I even went to the beach today and saw 6 people over a 2km stretch of beach. It is normally chock a block with people so was a nice change.
According to the Washington Post, there have been over 100,000 cases of the Coronavirus. It's grown about 11% in 2 days.
Now it starts to get scary because more people have it and more people are spreading it. It's about to take off and go nuts :(
Just a thought from my suspicious mind. Our illustrious politicians here in the US would not throw a glass of water on you if your hair was on fire but are going to throw nearly 8 billion dollars at this coronavirus that has claimed 11 people here. Who will get this money ? Insurance companies, hospitals, Big Pharma and medical supply manufractures. They are already working so is it to pay overtime? No. Remember that this is an election year. The money was approved by members of both political gangs. This money is payback and also bribes to campaign contributors. Where did they get that 8 billion ? My guess is that they stole it from Social Security like they always do. Social Security is not an entitlement or a freebie. You and your employer paid that money in. Not one red cent came from Uncle Sam. Corona virus may be a ruse to steal your money.
Just a thought from my suspicious mind. Our illustrious politicians here in the US would not throw a glass of water on you if your hair was on fire but are going to throw nearly 8 billion dollars at this coronavirus that has claimed 11 people here. Who will get this money ? Insurance companies, hospitals, Big Pharma and medical supply manufractures. They are already working so is it to pay overtime? No. Remember that this is an election year. The money was approved by members of both political gangs. This money is payback and also bribes to campaign contributors. Where did they get that 8 billion ? My guess is that they stole it from Social Security like they always do. Social Security is not an entitlement or a freebie. You and your employer paid that money in. Not one red cent came from Uncle Sam. Corona virus may be a ruse to steal your money.
Who is that in your profile picture?

I agree with @Colin_T it is about to go crazy.
Corona virus may be a ruse to steal your money.
It's an extremely elaborate ruse if it is. Every country in the world is talking about it and confirming cases in their own countries. Some of these countries don't like the US so it's unlikely they would be involved with a ruse/ conspiracy with the US government.

It's more likely the politicians don't want to get sick from it so are throwing money at the scientists and medical fraternity in an attempt to get a cure or vaccine so they don't catch it. An added bonus is the average Joe says "the government is putting lots of money towards fixing the problem, so I think that is swell".
@Colin_T , ruse was the wrong word to use. What I mean to say is that our crooked politicians in the US always seem to find away to turn things their way and steal from us rabble. They have an ultimate goal of restoring a type of medieval feudalism where the governed are their property. We here in the US have been told we are a democracy or a Federal Republic. No ! We are a Plutocracy ruled by the wealthy elite. The God of the United States is represented by the dollar sign. $ $ $.
@PheonixKingZ my avatar picture is of the late Jackie Gleason. The Great One.
@PheonixKingZ this is not funny at all. The United States is corrupt in its morality. The pornography industry generates more income yearly than is spent for the US defense budget. Infant genocide is a business generating billions of dollars yearly. Sexual immorality is not just condoned but legal. Adultery and out of wedlock marriages are considered a matter of individual choice. No concern at all is raised for the children these things affect. Sexual practices which have been proven to cause disease are celebrated by Hollywood. No fault divorce is just about the law of the land now. Don't like that woman anymore ? Get rid of her and get a new one. Marijuana, which once would put you in jail, is now legal even for just plain old enjoyment. The government loves tax money no matter where it comes from. Cigarettes are still legal despite the evidence against them. DDT has been outlawed but not cigarettes. Why ? The tax money is as addictive to crooked politicians as the cigarette itself is to the smoker. The ancient Romans provided bread and circuses to distract the rabble. So is the good old USA. I love my country , it's the government I hate.
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Sorry guys...I have to put on my mod hat and step in here. This is not a topic to get political here. Let's stay on topic and discuss your thoughts about the spreading Coronavirus and how it is affecting yourself, or your country.. Please no more talk about opinions on politicians, governments etc. There are other social sites where you could discuss those issues if you wish.

I will repeat my first post on this topic. Please stick to the facts and be ready to back them up with links from reputable sources.

The Coronavirus is spreading rapidly worldwide.
  • What is the present state of the virus in your country or state?
  • Do you know anyone who is infected?
  • What restrictions does your government have to prevent the spread of the virus?
  • Are you making any preparations such as stocking up on food and buying masks?
  • What is your opinion about the it overblown; or do you feel there will be a pandemic?
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Sorry guys...I have to put on my mod hat and step in here. This is not a topic to get political here. Let's stay on topic and discuss your thought about the spreading Coronavirus and how it is affecting the world, yourself, or your country.. Please no more talk about opinions on politicians, governments etc. There are other social sites where you could discuss those issues if you wish.

I will repeat my first post on this topic. Please stick to the facts and be ready to back them up with links from reputable sources.

The Coronavirus is spreading rapidly worldwide.
  • What is the present state of the virus in your country or state?
  • Do you know anyone who is infected?
  • What restrictions does your government have to prevent the spread of the virus?
  • Are you making any preparations such as stocking up on food and buying masks?
  • What is your opinion about the it overblown; or do you feel there will be a pandemic?
Thank you
We muslims can not get effected of it. because
we wash our hands and mouth 5 times a day
we dont work with dirty things
we wash after using the bathroom
we care about sexual relation and physical relation.

no religious can easily be attacked by it.

While I am glad that Fishmanic called out the political comments, the more I think about this particular comment I feel the need to reply. First off, @same2cool, the proper word you should have used is “affected” not “effected”. Secondly, you wash your hands only five times per day? I sometimes wash my hands 5 times in one hour. Especially if I am dealing with my fish tanks. On a normal day I probably wash my hands 20+ times. I used to be a teacher. Old habits die hard. Regarding your comment about working with dirty things, if you have a fish tank you absolutely work with dirty things. And there is nothing wrong with working with dirty things. People earn an honest living every day by working with dirty things. Perhaps they work with livestock or they pick up trash. Perhaps they are teachers who work with young children who have runny noses and don’t yet know how to cough into their elbow. Good grief!! Do you think the majority of the people in the US don’t wash their hands after visiting the bathroom?? My 3 year old grandson goes immediately to the sink to wash his hands with soap and water after he visits the bathroom. Your comment about caring about sexual relations deserves no response. The same goes for your comment about the religious not being easily attacked by this virus. I apologize to everyone else on the forum. Feel free to remove me from the forum if you think it’s warranted. I just had to let @same2cool know that his assumptions about people in the rest of the world are grossly inaccurate.

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