your thoughts here...

I have not seen any panic buying here. I was at the hospital this morning after I sliced my finger with a stanley knife (yes, I know.....) and things were going on as normal, except for the isolation pods right outside Urgent Care so I had to walk past them to get my finger seen to.
I have not seen any panic buying here. I was at the hospital this morning after I sliced my finger with a stanley knife (yes, I know.....) and things were going on as normal, except for the isolation pods right outside Urgent Care so I had to walk past them to get my finger seen to.
Ouch.. did u need stitches? Did u wear a mask?
... A guy would be smart to stock up on beer. That would be awful to have to go sober.
make your own.

For the forum website guys, this crapped itself again. The quote was from Backinthefold, not some stupid link to the fold in London, whatever that is.

This is getting really annoying. this new forum is rubbish and starting to irritate me.
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Ouch.. did u need stitches? Did u wear a mask?
No to the mask. I haven't actually seen any for sale.
Steri strips rather than stitches or glue. I actually did it yesterday in the middle of a water change. The internal filter came unstuck as the suckers had gone hard so I was trying to remove the dead suckers so I could attach some new ones. I couldn't leave the tank half full of water so I contrapted a dressing and with my husband's help filled the tank back up, and used a spare filter bracket. To be honest I didn't realise how much damage I'd done. I went to the pharmacy this morning to see if they had anything to dress the end of a finger with better than what I'd used, the pharmacist asked to see it and told me to go to urgent care as it was pretty deep. If I'd gone when I did it, they'd have glued it but it was 20 hours later so they had to leave ventilation areas.

Tip for everyone - if you must use a stanley knife, wait till after you've finished the water change. And better still, don't slice your finger so you don't have to risk going to a hospital.
No to the mask. I haven't actually seen any for sale.
Steri strips rather than stitches or glue. I actually did it yesterday in the middle of a water change. The internal filter came unstuck as the suckers had gone hard so I was trying to remove the dead suckers so I could attach some new ones. I couldn't leave the tank half full of water so I contrapted a dressing and with my husband's help filled the tank back up, and used a spare filter bracket. To be honest I didn't realise how much damage I'd done. I went to the pharmacy this morning to see if they had anything to dress the end of a finger with better than what I'd used, the pharmacist asked to see it and told me to go to urgent care as it was pretty deep. If I'd gone when I did it, they'd have glued it but it was 20 hours later so they had to leave ventilation areas.

Tip for everyone - if you must use a stanley knife, wait till after you've finished the water change. And better still, don't slice your finger so you don't have to risk going to a hospital.
My hubbie won’t let me play with knives or exacto blades anymore. We’ve had a few too many trips to the ER with my fingers. Still have all 10 though by some great miracle.
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The funny thing about wearing those face masks, is that it will only stop other people around you from getting sick. It doesn’t keep out a virus if it’s already airborne.

For instance, let’s say I had the Coronavirus and @Deanasue came to visit me. If the coronavirus is already airborne in the room, wearing the face mast wouldn’t protect her from getting it.

Those masks are designed to stop spit when the sit person coughs. Other than that, they are useless.

At my Walmart there is a lot of canned goods and medical equipment gone from the shelves.
Actually the mask are designed to protect you. They will prevent air borne pathogens from getting into your nose and mouth.
Actually the mask are designed to protect you. They will prevent air borne pathogens from getting into your nose and mouth.
Only if the are the kind that seals to your face. Pretty much all they will do is keep the spit from people coughing off of your face. They are obviously better than nothing but they are not all that great. Even with the type that creates an airtight seal can be broken really easily
I am prepared with my gas mask
The masks are meant to reduce the spread of the flu virus by stopping people from breathing, coughing or sneezing the virus into the air around us.

You can contract the virus by touching infected surfaces or items and then touching openings to your body (eg: eyes, nose, mouth). The virus then travels through the body and starts infecting cells and makes you sick.

You can also contract the virus if an infected person sneezes or coughs on you. Then the virus is directly transferred from the sick patient to you via the droplets of moisture from their sneeze/ cough. In this case, the masks on the sick person help prevent the droplets from travelling through the air and landing on other people or objects where they might be picked up by healthy people. The masks trap the droplets and virus and stops it from being spread around as much.

Washing your hands and changing your clothes after being near an infected person can reduce the chance of you contracting most viruses. You should also disinfected handbags, car keys, mobile phones or anything else you had on you at the time you are/ were near a contaminated person. And if you drove to a place, encountered an infected person and then drove home, it's probably a good idea to disinfect the door handle, steering wheel, gear shifter and other things in the car that you touched.

Welcome to the world of OCD :)
That’s why we use them on isolation patients in the hospital. We gown and mask as much to prevent bringing cooties into them as well as keeping the patients cooties off of us. They do help. I can’t tell you how many gowns, masks, and gloves I’ve gone through in my career. The mask will tell you quick if you need to brush your teeth too! Lol!

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