your thoughts here...

Glad to see you on here, my friend. I was beginning to search the obituaries for you!
The person named “in the fold” would not be listed in the obituaries :lol: Welcome back Mr Fold. Glad to see you are “back in the fold!”
Well I hope I don't get it as my 90yo grandmother lives here living her last days.. The annoying thing is it takes time to realise you have it so you can could have passed it on. However the number of cases in the UK is small considering the size of the population. You really should not worry. I agree with the misinformation warnings though, they used the words "super spreader" for the scouts guy who only passed it on to a few people..
My colleague's son was negative :yahoo:...Also he has recovered from the cough/ fever.:)
So it's not in my area :shifty:
Not today anyway! Let's hope it stays away from all of us.
That’s great news!
The panic is already starting here and Houston has had no cases so far. Walmart shelves are empty of rubber gloves, alcohol, masks, liquid soap, cleaning supplies, and bottled water. They will be restocking but this is the paranoia I was concerned about. Walmart parking lot looked like Christmas yesterday in the middle of the day. So sad. :(
The funny thing about wearing those face masks, is that it will only stop other people around you from getting sick. It doesn’t keep out a virus if it’s already airborne.

For instance, let’s say I had the Coronavirus and @Deanasue came to visit me. If the coronavirus is already airborne in the room, wearing the face mast wouldn’t protect her from getting it.

Those masks are designed to stop spit when the sit person coughs. Other than that, they are useless.

At my Walmart there is a lot of canned goods and medical equipment gone from the shelves.
I am stocking up on canned goods such as soup, beans and tuna fish; also rice, tv dinners, water, and pasta. Better to plan just in case it continues to spread and you have to get through a quarantine in my opinion.

One plus from all this talk about the spreading Coronavirus is that the Feds in US and in some other countries are cutting interest rates. So if you are a homeowner and wish to refinance to save lots of money or if you will soon be buying a home you can get a very low mortgage rate.

When they hand you lemons, make lemonade.

Let's all pray the Coronavirus doesn't keep spreading.
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I got enough to last 2 weeks too after I saw the store. My biggest concern was T.P. Lol!
The panic is already starting here and Houston has had no cases so far. Walmart shelves are empty of rubber gloves, alcohol, masks, liquid soap, cleaning supplies, and bottled water. They will be restocking but this is the paranoia I was concerned about. Walmart parking lot looked like Christmas yesterday in the middle of the day. So sad. :(
I've never seen anything like this in my 64 years. She Who Must Be Obeyed is worried sick and made me go to Costco today for some things she wanted that she was afraid would be sold out. No worries. They had enough toilet paper for Cox's Army and that's all I really wanted. But I cannot recall ever seeing so many Henny Penny's running around afraid that the sky is falling. These flu scares happen fairly often and I do think that one of these days the Real McCoy is going to hit. A guy would be smart to stock up on beer. That would be awful to have to go sober.

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