Connor's right, and I see what he's getting at, but I think it's getting questioned a whole lot, as this thread proves.
Discussion is healthy. There seems to be a lot of propaganda going around on both sides of this (and any other potentially political) issue, but people never seem to notice their own side doing it. I encourage people to have their opinions, but any time the name-calling starts up, I tend to quit engaging. I've been called a "flat-earther" by one side, and a "sheeple" by the other.
Yawn. Better to devote my finite time and energy to things that matter.
I've stayed up on my vaccinations as I'm a public school teacher and get exposed to everyone, just as I've been poked for measles, whooping cough, and all the rest.. I still got Covid at least once. It was like a nasty cold that held on for a week or more.
As for masks? I utterly hate the things. I guess I'll do what my doctor recommends and what my employer requires, and try not to get too riled up about it. I think this is a bad disease, possibly a human invention that got out of hand, and everybody's pretty much guessing on what to do about it, and yes, some politicians (on both sides) are always looking for a chance to increase their influence and authority.
But I have a good friend with "MD" after his name, and I trust him, and I tend to defer to him in medical matters. If he ever needs my advice on a musical or educational conundrum, I'll be here for him, too.