your thoughts here...

Booster shot are starting to be distributed her in the US. I should be eligible in about a month.
How do you feel about it?
In England we're starting a booster programme this month.
My instinct is that the boosters this soon are somewhat futile with so many people around the world unvaccinated, but obviously the research isn't there to truly know?
Anyone who hasnt yet been vaccingated can easily get the vaccine if they want it. Who am I to second guest the CDC . I believe boosters will boost chances of immunity to the virus. The delta variant of the virus is causing another surge in the US.
So are they giving a different vaccine for boosters?
Person 1 is unlikely to get it again if everyone in the house gets it at the same time (or within a few weeks of each other). However, they might catch another strain of it later on, but it will be less damaging to them because they will have some immunity to it from their first exposure and case.
Wrong. People need to lose the idea that being doubly vaccinated gives you 100% immunity. It doesn't.
Viruses can and do mutate, but it is unlikely to change in a week or so. Most of the mutations have come from places where there were tens of thousands of cases at the same time and this gives the virus more chance of mutating.
Again, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. It only takes one virus to one person.
The chance of a virus mutating in a household when 3 or 4 people are infected, is virtually non existent.
Actually, the opposite is true. The more people who are infected, the more likely a mutation.
Third doses are now being rolled out, because it is now recognised that some, particularly those with immuno-deficiency conditions, have not responded as well to the vaccines as was first hoped.
Boosters are being rolled out, because people who have been doubly vaccinated now seem to believe that they can forget social distancing, hand hygiene and mask-wearing. As a consequence, cases are once again rising, at a time when the effects of the vaccinations may be wearing off in some people.
80-90% of this is self-inflicted.
Well curiously I did a home test last week on Wednesday, positive did the pcr test Thursday, positive, did a home test two days ago, negative and I just did one today, positive. Curiously mum and I got sick at the same time and she has a faint line in hers where it shows if you have it and mines faint too.I'm told it can stay in your system however there no evidence you can still pass it on.
Last edited: according to some people I am egotistical and stupid, and I serve nothing more than sarcasm? That's fine, I'm a big boy and have endured much worse. :) So I will aim my reply toward those with an ability to reply in a civil manner. And by the way, my "facts" don't come from google searches, but even if they did, do you really think the government and the BBC are giving you the facts? If you do, well....I honestly worry for you.

No one has been able to give me a realistic reply to why infants don't wear masks, (because they won't tolerate them is hardly justification if the virus is so "deadly".) Because your infant won't tolerate a mask means you will subject them to a "deadly virus" so you can go out and buy a nice new doormat? Seems a legitimate reason.

And yes, we remove our masks so we can why can't I remove my mask so I can breathe? Again, can we not catch Covid while eating? Why, in a local carvery, was I treated like cattle "walk here, walk there, stand there, don't walk past that, exit the building through this door here" etc, and I had to wear a mask, but when Uber Eats and Deliveroo drivers came to collect meals they could walk in and out wherever they liked, stood at the carvery chatting maskless to the chefs, but not one staff member utters a word? Are these drivers immune?

All I can say is this. I stopped watching the news (especially the vile Sky and BBC) weeks ago and my life is so much better. I'm tired of these "experts" who no one had ever heard of before Covid, yet you all take their findings as gospel. You never question the graphs that show us the rate of spread. Why? No one can actually prove the accuracy, it's impossible. Didn't Euripides say "Question everything"? Here's a question. Why did Dolly Parton, one of the shrewdest business people of all time, "donate" a six-figure sum toward the Moderna vaccine? Out of the goodness of her little ole heart? Come on.....

I know I'm in a massive minority here, and I can handle that. However, that doesn't mean I'm 100% wrong. There is not a single person on this forum who is an expert on Covid which makes my opinion as valid as any. And if having a non-expert opinion makes me stupid and egotistical....
Why did Dolly Parton, one of the shrewdest business people of all time, "donate" a six-figure sum toward the Moderna vaccine?

Well, I don't know about the rest of your post, as you say, we're all entitled to our opinions. As for Dolly and her shrewdness, you may want to research her and her philanthropic work a little further. according to some people I am egotistical and stupid, and I serve nothing more than sarcasm? That's fine, I'm a big boy and have endured much worse. :) So I will aim my reply toward those with an ability to reply in a civil manner. And by the way, my "facts" don't come from google searches, but even if they did, do you really think the government and the BBC are giving you the facts? If you do, well....I honestly worry for you.

No one has been able to give me a realistic reply to why infants don't wear masks, (because they won't tolerate them is hardly justification if the virus is so "deadly".) Because your infant won't tolerate a mask means you will subject them to a "deadly virus" so you can go out and buy a nice new doormat? Seems a legitimate reason.

And yes, we remove our masks so we can why can't I remove my mask so I can breathe? Again, can we not catch Covid while eating? Why, in a local carvery, was I treated like cattle "walk here, walk there, stand there, don't walk past that, exit the building through this door here" etc, and I had to wear a mask, but when Uber Eats and Deliveroo drivers came to collect meals they could walk in and out wherever they liked, stood at the carvery chatting maskless to the chefs, but not one staff member utters a word? Are these drivers immune?

All I can say is this. I stopped watching the news (especially the vile Sky and BBC) weeks ago and my life is so much better. I'm tired of these "experts" who no one had ever heard of before Covid, yet you all take their findings as gospel. You never question the graphs that show us the rate of spread. Why? No one can actually prove the accuracy, it's impossible. Didn't Euripides say "Question everything"? Here's a question. Why did Dolly Parton, one of the shrewdest business people of all time, "donate" a six-figure sum toward the Moderna vaccine? Out of the goodness of her little ole heart? Come on.....

I know I'm in a massive minority here, and I can handle that. However, that doesn't mean I'm 100% wrong. There is not a single person on this forum who is an expert on Covid which makes my opinion as valid as any. And if having a non-expert opinion makes me stupid and egotistical....
The obvious reason, IMO too obvious to state, why infants don't wear masks is because they could be suffocated or strangled by them.
The obvious reason, IMO too obvious to state, why infants don't wear masks is because they could be suffocated or strangled by them.
So how about being a parent and keeping an eye on them while wearing a mask? Or maybe your reason is justification to expose them to a deadly virus? Possible death by suffocation, possible death by Covid?
Well, I don't know about the rest of your post, as you say, we're all entitled to our opinions. As for Dolly and her shrewdness, you may want to research her and her philanthropic work a little further.
I like Dolly, and she is a great person, but the whole Vaccine thing is a business. Maybe Dolly was a poor choice. How about Bill Gates or Matt Hancock's little deals? Are these people you would trust with their love for us mere mortals? Honestly?
So how about being a parent and keeping an eye on them while wearing a mask? Or maybe your reason is justification to expose them to a deadly virus? Possible death by suffocation, possible death by Covid?
Do you have children? If you do, then you should be aware of just how easily an infant can suffocate. You know the whole "nothing in the crib, alone, on their backs"? There's years of experience that has taught us this. So I think the "justification" is that one is much less risky than the other.
I understand you don't like mask mandates, and that's fine with me, do as you wish. Most have made up their minds one way or the other and will not be swayed. However, your infant argument is pretty weak. Especially when you have to resort to the old "where are the parents" trope.
Wearing a mask stops you passing on the virus so easily, but wearing one doesn't stop you catching it.
OK, so how about the thousands of "exempt from wearing a mask?" Lets be honest here, making you exempt doesn't make you immune. An exempt person could spread the virus, so your child could still be at risk.

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