your thoughts here...

I think New South Wales is up to 1000 locations and are around 600 new cases each day.

Gotta lock down the entire state/ country for 2 weeks and nobody leaves their home for any purpose when dealing with delta strain.
I think New South Wales is up to 1000 locations and are around 600 new cases each day.

Gotta lock down the entire state/ country for 2 weeks and nobody leaves their home for any purpose when dealing with delta strain.
Luckily we have a government that has done that. I applied for the wage subsidy it was paid to us within 48 hours. Fantastic service really.
This is a difficult one. While I agree to a point there has never been irrefutable proof of masks working. People are always adjusting and fiddling with their masks, and most cloths absorb your droplets, which means every time you move it around, your fingers are "infected". (If that makes sense?) I have never seen anyone sanitize their hands every time they touch their mask.

This statement is not based on fact. Masks have been used for 100 years by medicalaprofesionals. Over that time period mask have been tested in the lab and medical staff have been evaluated. During airborne pathogen outbreaks medial personal are working with infectious people all the time. Yet the vast majority wearing a mask don't get sick. In the lab they built equipment to aerosolize flue and cold viruses. The infected pair then passed through a N95 mask and then snd then was bubbled through water. They then tested the water for the viruses. The test showed a N95 mask was 98% effective. Many of these studies were done long before the internet was developed. As a result most of these studies are not found on line.

Some common claims you will see on line are:

  • "The masks are only rated to stop 3micron sized particles. which are larger than viral particles. So the masks don't work." The 3 micron spec is there because that is the hardest particle to filter out. Particle smaller than3micorns are filtered out as we'll as larger particles. Again this has been measured in the lab.
  • Touching the mask will infect your hands. Airborn viruses are typically not very good at passing through skin. Mainly the outer layers of skin is made up of many layers of dead skin cells. viruses cannot infect dead tissue. but if you touch your mouth you might get infected. No defense is perfect. But if you don't fiddle with your mask and minimize touching your mouth You will protect yourself.
  • "People wearing masks are more likely to pass out due to lack of oxygen." Buy a pulse oximeter (about $20 dollars on amazon. It measures blood oxygen levels through the skin. Put on a N95 mask and check your oxygen levels. You wan to see oxygen levels over 70%. Most people have a blood oxygen level above 95% with the mask on..
  • "Ordinary cloth masks are useless." Ordinary cloth masks are not as good as N95 and KN95 masks. But they are better then nothing. Early in the pandemic there was a shortage of N95 and KN95 masks so they recommended cloth masks. But now there are enough N95 and KN95 masks So upgrade your mask for better protection.
  • "The mask is uncomfortable." Yes but getting covid 19 and being hospitalized is even more so.
This statement is not based on fact. Masks have been used for 100 years by medicalaprofesionals. Over that time period mask have been tested in the lab and medical staff have been evaluated. During airborne pathogen outbreaks medial personal are working with infectious people all the time. Yet the vast majority wearing a mask don't get sick. In the lab they built equipment to aerosolize flue and cold viruses. The infected pair then passed through a N95 mask and then snd then was bubbled through water. They then tested the water for the viruses. The test showed a N95 mask was 98% effective. Many of these studies were done long before the internet was developed. As a result most of these studies are not found on line.

Some common claims you will see on line are:

  • "The masks are only rated to stop 3micron sized particles. which are larger than viral particles. So the masks don't work." The 3 micron spec is there because that is the hardest particle to filter out. Particle smaller than3micorns are filtered out as we'll as larger particles. Again this has been measured in the lab.
  • Touching the mask will infect your hands. Airborn viruses are typically not very good at passing through skin. Mainly the outer layers of skin is made up of many layers of dead skin cells. viruses cannot infect dead tissue. but if you touch your mouth you might get infected. No defense is perfect. But if you don't fiddle with your mask and minimize touching your mouth You will protect yourself.
  • "People wearing masks are more likely to pass out due to lack of oxygen." Buy a pulse oximeter (about $20 dollars on amazon. It measures blood oxygen levels through the skin. Put on a N95 mask and check your oxygen levels. You wan to see oxygen levels over 70%. Most people have a blood oxygen level above 95% with the mask on..
  • "Ordinary cloth masks are useless." Ordinary cloth masks are not as good as N95 and KN95 masks. But they are better then nothing. Early in the pandemic there was a shortage of N95 and KN95 masks so they recommended cloth masks. But now there are enough N95 and KN95 masks So upgrade your mask for better protection.
  • "The mask is uncomfortable." Yes but getting covid 19 and being hospitalized is even more so.
Spot on!
Our problem is that too many have only a little knowledge and, as we all know, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Besides, who needs over six to eight years of higher education and many more of in-field experience, when you can browse Facebook and Google?*

*Sarcasm. ;)
In the US everyone is complaining about their fricking "rights".... like cmon its a mask, wear the thing. Then there are all sorts of conspiracies about the vaccine and that the government is gonna take over and blah blah blah... I got the vaccine and I was sick for 2 days (which is normal) and my brain is still A ok. I HATE HATE HATE the people who are letting politics get in the way of this! Its a simple vaccine that if we all took it when we could we would have probably been on the road to sweet recovery but now we have nurses getting tired of peoples' stupidity and literally walking out. I feel for all the doctors and its just crazy how one small thing like a mask can cause such controversy.
On the news just then, Sydney hospitals are full of covid patients. Ambulances are waiting hours to unload more patients. The state is in a mess and the stupid government still won't do a full lock down.

I still can't get a vaccine in Mandurah even though we go into lockdown when Perth goes into one. How friggin long are old sick people meant to wait for a bloody vaccine. The fuplie government have been done but old and sick people in my town can't get the jab.

The news just reported that in the US, one state was giving out free joints (yes whacky tobaccy) to people who had been fully vaccinated. Another place was giving out a dozen free donuts. Yeah good for an overweight population, more fatty sugar filled foods. And another state was giving people tickets for a lottery where you can win a rifle or shot gun.

WTF is wrong with people over there. Drugs, donuts and guns for getting a jab. Sorry to the normal Americans, but you have some really stupid ideas over there.
On the news just then, Sydney hospitals are full of covid patients. Ambulances are waiting hours to unload more patients. The state is in a mess and the stupid government still won't do a full lock down.

I still can't get a vaccine in Mandurah even though we go into lockdown when Perth goes into one. How friggin long are old sick people meant to wait for a bloody vaccine. The fuplie government have been done but old and sick people in my town can't get the jab.

The news just reported that in the US, one state was giving out free joints (yes whacky tobaccy) to people who had been fully vaccinated. Another place was giving out a dozen free donuts. Yeah good for an overweight population, more fatty sugar filled foods. And another state was giving people tickets for a lottery where you can win a rifle or shot gun.

WTF is wrong with people over there. Drugs, donuts and guns for getting a jab. Sorry to the normal Americans, but you have some really stupid ideas over there.
As an american... I agree that our country as some of the most idiotic selfish and egotistic people in the world
WTF is wrong with people over there. Drugs, donuts and guns for getting a jab. Sorry to the normal Americans, but you have some really stupid ideas over there.
I never heard about the drugs or guns... But I have heard that they've been giving out donuts, money, and some other things ive forgotten... ITS INSANE!! We have to "bribe" or "reward" a lot of people just so they can get a shot. We have parents losing children and children losing parents and some people over here STILL believe that the the virus is a hoax and isnt real... I just wanted take them by their shirts and go: "WAKE UP IDIOT." We also have people who got really sick and their last words to the nurses are "I want the vaccine" but all the nurses have to say "Im sorry but its too late." Its so sad. Now whats funny is, is that we've been hearing some things about the virus in a lot of countries... all but one... Afghanistan... then I started thinking... "How are they not so bad off?" Well then the answer hit me... A lot of them wear masks as part of their culture.... So, I think its hilarious how a country who isnt... hmm how do I say this non offensively... Not a well as other countries is doing better than a lot of the larger and richer countries.
Same here, it turned dark red.... slackening in protective measures, social distancing, due to summer holidays/vacations.... we are not out of the woods yet :(
Around here, things honestly got a lot better after the vaccine was so widely available, but now that school is back in session and all the anti maskers are sending their kids into their classes and saying “no one can make you wear a mask”, things have just shot back up. The hospitals are full of COVID patients and no one will wear a mask.
In my state , they had a Vax Lottery where if you have been fully vaccinated you can register for a lottery. There will be 5 adult winners who will win $1,000,000 each. Also 5 $300,000 scholarships will be awarded to 5 children between 12 and 17 years of age.
In my state , they had a Vax Lottery where if you have been fully vaccinated you can register for a lottery. There will be 5 adult winners who will win $1,000,000 each. Also 5 $300,000 scholarships will be awarded to 5 children between 12 and 17 years of age.
Aye, sounds a lot like mine ;)

Unfortunately, my number was not called so I must continue to work.
Well I finally got The Rona, sadly my Mum and my Grandmother do too, we don't know who bought it into the house, most likely me, however its pretty strange because I wash my hands at work with soap and then use their high alcohol stuff, and then again when I get home so thats two lots of washing with high alcohol gell. Anyway, been alright with me, just a cough, lost some sleep, but feel ok, no aches or pains. Mum however has aches and pains and apparantly so does Grandmother.

This is a question to UK folk:
When I reported a self positive test on Wednesday I was told I didnt have to subscrive to test and trace if I didn't want to. I called on Thursday the 119 number to confirm and they said I didn't have to. The reason I looked into this is because Dad is getting a lot of repeat texts and emails about it and so am I and I know exactly where I have been, work and home. MY work know about it and the household here know all about it too. So I didnt want to prat about with it. Not least because I am in tune with films like 1984 and have issues with Big Brother. Anyway, does anyone here know if this is a legal requirement or not? I can only ever find references to the catering or business sector, not the average Joe blogs.
Well I finally got The Rona, sadly my Mum and my Grandmother do too, we don't know who bought it into the house, most likely me, however its pretty strange because I wash my hands at work with soap and then use their high alcohol stuff, and then again when I get home so thats two lots of washing with high alcohol gell. Anyway, been alright with me, just a cough, lost some sleep, but feel ok, no aches or pains. Mum however has aches and pains and apparantly so does Grandmother.

This is a question to UK folk:
When I reported a self positive test on Wednesday I was told I didnt have to subscrive to test and trace if I didn't want to. I called on Thursday the 119 number to confirm and they said I didn't have to. The reason I looked into this is because Dad is getting a lot of repeat texts and emails about it and so am I and I know exactly where I have been, work and home. MY work know about it and the household here know all about it too. So I didnt want to prat about with it. Not least because I am in tune with films like 1984 and have issues with Big Brother. Anyway, does anyone here know if this is a legal requirement or not? I can only ever find references to the catering or business sector, not the average Joe blogs.
Because too many have little actual knowledge and refer to dystopian fiction as their point of reference, too many are not careful enough. On the one hand, they decline Government advice and, on the other, they blame others for their own predicament.

Besides hand gel, how was your social distancing and mask-wearing?

Personally, I believe that tests and quarantines should've been compulsary, but this apparently upset those for whom their own personal 'rights' are paramount and Government (and the NHS) have to walk a fine line between keeping everyone safer and allowing the personal freedoms many have become accustomed to and believe is their God-given right. (Personal responsibility towards others never seems to enter into the equation). This is why the Test and Trace is voluntary...and why we have so many cases and subsequent deaths and, in the future, a high proportion of long covid cases.
We (in the NHS) found it 'interesting' when most, including the media, started talking about the Pingdemic and how this was apparently impeding our economic recovery. The idea that everyone was getting pinged was because more and more were actually catching the virus didn't seem to register...and then we had those removing the app, so that they wouldn't get that they could go on holiday! Joe and Josephine Public clearly have their priorities right. :rolleyes:
Personally, I believe that the Government is deluded in its belief that the average Joe Bloggs possesses so-called common sense, when evidence suggests the contray, time and time again.
Hospitals are full of those who thought they knew better, taking up valuable beds that could've been used for a whole host of other non-Covid treatments, such as cancer, for example. Many staff are at the point of giving it all up, having worked their 'nads off since early 2020 and seen their efforts rewarded by those who still don't believe until it's too late.
Whilt I wholly lack any compassion for those who are self-inflicted, I weep for those innocent who are contaminated...such as your Grandmother.

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