your thoughts here...

well some don't get it for religious reasons or medical reasons like a compromised immune system. And there is a chance of side effects...though they're are generally minimum but some have gotten severe reactions to the vaccinations. It's also freedom of choice in a democratic society.
Generally there are exemptions for valid reasons like: compromised immune system, other conditions, etc. And as with everything else there will be exemptions and fine if one refuses to serve someone with exemptions.

"Some have severe reactions", that falls under same category as other vaccines: 100 people that die, have debilitating side effects per 10,000 people that are not dead and with debilitating side effects as a result of people wondering around with contagious disease. Not a valid reason to refuse vaccine.

Religious and freedom of choice reasons: Those clash with other important elements in democratic society. Individual's right to not be harmed by others, etc. Religious and freedom of choice reasons were always dependent on not going against basic human rights of others.
As such you cannot: burn infidels on stake, poison or give deadly disease to unbelievers, cast devil out of your workmate by giving them 10 lashes because they object to your religious belief that devil worshipers eat cheese. One goes to jail for that, religious belief or not.

One is also not allowed freedom of choice to: have sex with others when they know they have AIDS or STD without informing them, carry a bomb on them because they feel like it; or spray lawn with radioactive material because they believe cosmic radiation opens one's soul to knowledge of universe, etc.
Well, because it impedes on other peoples basic and individual rights.

Thus, it's not as simple as: if I want to take my chance with deadly contagious disease and freely walk into stadium, school, shop full of people, it's my right because of freedom of choice.
Nobody will care if we get vaccine good enough so only unvaccinated will die, until then one's freedom choices have deadly consequences on others basic rights.
There is only one winner in that argument. Like with freedom of choice to walk around with a bomb in the pocket.
I have been trying to get the vaccine since they became available but I can't get one where I live. :(
That makes me so cross, and from what you’ve said previously in this thread, smacks of a two tier system when politicians have all had theirs.
That makes me so cross, and from what you’ve said previously in this thread, smacks of a two tier system when politicians have all had theirs.
It's not just my town that has issues getting the vaccine. Country towns right across the country have trouble getting the vaccine but most of the bigger cities have free vaccination hubs in them. If I want to drive 120km into the city, I could go to the hub and get one but I am not driving 120km because my car has issues and might not make it.

Even the hospital staff down here have trouble getting a vaccine and have to go into the city to get one. It's just ridiculous.
It's not just my town that has issues getting the vaccine. Country towns right across the country have trouble getting the vaccine but most of the bigger cities have free vaccination hubs in them. If I want to drive 120km into the city, I could go to the hub and get one but I am not driving 120km because my car has issues and might not make it.

Even the hospital staff down here have trouble getting a vaccine and have to go into the city to get one. It's just ridiculous.
That's not entirely true Colin.
It's true there are free vaccination clinics as well medical centers that have been approved to administer vaccines around me.
But if you call 10 clinics around me: 10 will be out of Pfizer vaccines and 2 months ago 8 out of 10 would be out of Astra Zeneca.
It's another story that media and government keep talking about all these ghost vaccines that are apparently everywhere.
If you are under 40 years you cannot even get vaccinated with ghost vaccines as the roll out is only for over 40's.
And if you are over 40 but under 50 there is no recommended Pfizer vaccine.
My parents (72 and 67) only got vaccinated with first doze 2 weeks ago; after being on waiting list for Astra Z since almost 2020.
Even the medical staff, age care workers haven't all been vaccinated even tho they keep saying they have. But when I talk to few essential workers they say a lot of them haven't had even the first doze.
It's shambles everywhere, not just regional towns. Trust me
I don’t think there is a fault in my understanding. My point of view is just different from yours and implying that I don’t understand is rude. Hundreds of thousands of people have had the vaccinations and people are no longer dying in their thousands, but surviving and with much less severe symptoms.

Would you knowingly go out and risk coming into contact with a virus that could kill you..? The vaccines have been based on existing ones which is why they have been able to be implemented so quickly. Like the standard ‘flu vaccine that has minor adaptions each year to maintains its efficiency.

If someone doesn’t want (not can’t for medical reasons) to have the vaccine through free choice, why should their choice over-ride mine when theirs could have a potentially fatal effect? If you don’t want the vaccine, fine, just stay away from places with lots of other people that want to go about their lives with an element of safety.

Exactly! And everyone has equal access to the vaccine. In Health and Safety law it is not permitted to to put people at risk.

But people don’t have the right to make others ill. I see you’ve totally ignored the other vaccinations that have cured horrible illness around the world - I’m assuming that is because this information negates your argument. I believe that in some educational settings in America children have to have had certain vaccinations to be able to attend school.

I think business and financial considerations come further down the list than people’s health and lives.

Many people have had to make financial changes due to the lockdowns, finances can be resolved, my mother will never regain the skills she’s lost through the effects of lockdown on her dementia.

You are not seeing the bigger picture with regards to your understanding of the situation. I'd recommend you simply read the book 1984 by George Orwell (assuming you are over 18) and you'll see how the simplest of things like asking everyone to sign up to some app (which can result in mass surveillance) and limiting peoples movement (passport) is just the first step to that dystopian society. I am no conspiracy theorist so don't get me wrong, however its a scary dystopian society that is possibly just around the corner.

I've had both vaccines however I don't think this should be mandated onto people as for your comments on business coming last, well, have you not considered the devastation this has had on them? We are beyond the point of the NHS being overloaded with covid patients, we do not need silly limitations in place stopping businesses from reopening.

Would love to know why you think its ok to insist a non-vaccinated person (by choice) cannot meet others in public just so another non-vaccinated person (without the choice) can? If someone is at risk of getting ill whilst meeting other human beings, well, perhaps they should steer clear of them.
Any discussion about politics if not allowed on our site as it can often result in a heated debate. Please steer clear of discussing politics. This thread is mainly to discuss how Coronovirus is affecting your country/state and the present state of vaccinations in your area/state.
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You are not seeing the bigger picture with regards to your understanding of the situation. I'd recommend you simply read the book 1984 by George Orwell (assuming you are over 18) and you'll see how the simplest of things like asking everyone to sign up to some app (which can result in mass surveillance) and limiting peoples movement (passport) is just the first step to that dystopian society. I am no conspiracy theorist so don't get me wrong, however its a scary dystopian society that is possibly just around the corner.

I've had both vaccines however I don't think this should be mandated onto people as for your comments on business coming last, well, have you not considered the devastation this has had on them? We are beyond the point of the NHS being overloaded with covid patients, we do not need silly limitations in place stopping businesses from reopening.

Would love to know why you think its ok to insist a non-vaccinated person (by choice) cannot meet others in public just so another non-vaccinated person (without the choice) can? If someone is at risk of getting ill whilst meeting other human beings, well, perhaps they should steer clear of them.
I’ll skip the politics, but say I have grandchildren that are almost 18.

If someone hasn’t had the vaccine for health reasons, I’d think they’d be very aware of the rules and probably not out and about that much…

And one thing I have never understood from the very height of the first wave is why, people too I’ll to wear a mask, have considered it safe enough to wander around in public without one… we clearly have very differing views and this isn’t the correct forum to debate further. So we shall have to agree to disagree.

To be honest I’m a little frightened of this big hammer of ban that I’ve been reading about in another thread. 😳😂
The delta strain of covid19 is still spreading across New South Wales (NSW) because the state government doesn't want to do a full lock down. It's been going for over a month now and is not under control.

Victoria had a small outbreak of the delta strain that came from NSW. They did a lockdown straight away and got it under control.

Queensland had the delta strain and did a partial lockdown, thought they had it under control but it has flared up again in schools.

South Australia had the delta strain make an appearance. They did a lockdown and got it under control.

Western Australia has a fifo (fly in fly out) worker from the mines bring it into the state and he spent the last 3 weeks wandering around with it. So we might be going into lockdown today. Just fuplie wonderful. I'm about to become homeless and the state is about to go into lockdown due to the delta strain.

A 27 year old male from over east died from possible heart failure while infected with the delta strain. He was in good health prior to catching covid. He was infected for a period of time and had mild symptoms. He went to have a shower and dropped dead.

Indonesia is losing people rapidly to the delta strain. They have lost hundreds of doctors and medical staff in the last month, all of them were fully vaccinated with the Chinese made vaccine. They have found the vaccine loses its effectiveness after a couple of months and apparently offers no protection against the delta strain.

New Guinea and lots of smaller Pacific islands have got outbreaks and sick people everywhere. A lot of these places have few medical facilities and are struggling with the virus. They are also struggling with climate change and rising sea levels.
A 27 year old male from over east died from possible heart failure while infected with the delta strain. He was in good health prior to catching covid. He was infected for a period of time and had mild symptoms. He went to have a shower and dropped dead.
I’ve heard of other times that’s happened. A good friend of my family, She’d had COVID previously, woke up one morning, got her coffee and sat down with a book before her kids were awake, when they woke up she had passed away, and an autopsy showed nothing physically wrong with her, her heart just stopped. Same thing happened to one of the women in our homeschool group. I had a “friend” tell me “it doesn’t matter if I catch COVID, I’m young and healthy, my whole family is healthy. It doesn’t affect healthy people. Those are just unlikely and probably unrelated (to COVID) situations, it doesn’t matter to us” but it’s just not true and people don’t seem to understand :/
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Latest most "accurate" figures on vaccinations in Australia.
20% of people that are in the "authorised category" have been fully vaccinated (had both shots).

42% of people that are in the "authorised category" have had their first dose of vaccine.

They didn't say what authorised category meant but presumably it is adults over 40.

Apparently there are remote aboriginal communities in Western Australia where everyone over 16 has been vaccinated. Good news for them.

Apparently lots of people in Perth (capital city of Western Australia) have been vaccinated, but I still can't get a vaccine in Mandurah (80km south of Perth).

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