He was told that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have other ingredients that can occasionally cause problems in some people who suffer severely with allergies. So everyone who has these vaccines has to wait until they are sure they are not going to have an anaphylactic reaction. It's an extremely rare side effect; severe allergy sufferers carry epi pens to treat anaphylaxis so the vaccination centres will probably have these, or something similar, on hand just in case.
The AZ vaccine doesn't have any of these ingredients.
When I say extremely rare, 10 in 4 million people have been recorded as suffering anaphylaxis after the Moderna vaccine, and it can be treated very effectively if the person is still on the premises.
The AZ vaccine doesn't have any of these ingredients.
When I say extremely rare, 10 in 4 million people have been recorded as suffering anaphylaxis after the Moderna vaccine, and it can be treated very effectively if the person is still on the premises.