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To me, baseball is weird. Back in the 1950s and 1960s schools taught sport according to gender. Girls played certain games, boys played others, and we were not allowed to play games which 'belonged' to the opposite gender.
One of the girls' games was rounders which is similar to baseball except the bowler just throws the ball instead of winding herself up like baseball pitchers; the 'bats' were short piggy sticks not those enormous long things like baseball; when you managed to run round all four bases, your scored a rounder. After playing rounders for so many years, baseball just looks over the top ;)
The Western Australian premier (duckhead that is in charge of the state) is being vaccinated for covid19 today, but the doctors in my town have no idea when we will get the vaccine here. The doctors here are getting their advice from the television (news). and the health department isn't telling them anything. So our premier/ tosser is getting his vaccination but nobody in my town is, and one third of the population here is over 50. Our town is also included in the lock down when Perth gets locked down because of outbreaks coming from quarantine, and because people travel to and from Perth each day to go to work (its a long 80km+ drive one way).

This is the same as the prime minister of Australia who got his first vaccination in January (or there abouts) and had his second vaccination a couple of months ago, and less than 10% of the people in the country have been done. And the front line workers who put their lives on the line, still haven't had their second set, and some haven't had their first vaccination yet.

The politicians are getting themselves vaccinated (about 80% of the pollies have been done) but ignoring the doctors, nurses, police, quarantine staff and old or sick people. And today in accordance with the federal government's vaccine rollout, we are moving onto the next stage and anyone in the country that is over 50 can go get the vaccination (if they can find it).
The politicians are getting themselves vaccinated (about 80% of the pollies have been done) but ignoring the doctors, nurses, police, quarantine staff and old or sick people. And today in accordance with the federal government's vaccine rollout, we are moving onto the next stage and anyone in the country that is over 50 can go get the vaccination (if they can find it).
That just makes me so mad. Your government is corrupt!
My older son, who is 40, had his first dose on two days ago. It seems crazy that the UK is now vaccinating as young as 40 while other countries haven't started properly yet.

My younger son is 38 so he's still waiting.
I was going to say the vaccine rollout in the U.K. is probably the most effective thing the government has ever organised...but I think the NHS did it..??
I had dose #2 yesterday. The only side effect of this one is a sore arm, which I've had after every flu vaccine for the last 20 years so it's a reaction to fluid being forced into a muscle rather than what's in it.
My dad got the vaccine for an upcoming flight... no I’ll effect so far.
I'm still waiting and so is 95% of Australia's population. Apparently a bit over 1 million Australians have been done (had at least 1 dose), leaving 24 million people still waiting for their first jab, let alone their second.

According to the medical professional that does the covid19 update, we might get our first jab by the end of this year, however we might not get it until the middle of next year, or even later. While they are saying this, they are telling everyone over 50 to go and get vaccinated, but you can't do that in most places because there just isn't any vaccine here.

Right now the prime minister is on the news telling us we can all go get a vaccine. FFS, we can't get it.

According to the news we see about America, you can go to your local Walmart shopping centre and get the vaccine there, or virtually anywhere else in the country.
Can any of our American members confirm that for me?

There is a millionaire who wants to set up a 1000 person quarantine facility in my town and the federal and state governments are thinking about it.

We don't have an airport suitable for large aircraft to land here so anyone using the facility will have to fly to Perth and then spend 2-3 hours on a bus while they travel down here. It's only a 100km drive but the freeway is crap and it always takes 1.5-2 hours to go each way, sometimes longer. This will mean anyone on the bus that has covid19, will probably give it to everyone else on the bus. If they have the bus's windows open while driving down the freeway, thousands of motorists driving along the freeway could catch it.

Over one third of the population here is over 50 years old so if the virus gets out here, it could wipe out 1/3 of our population.

We have strong winds around here 90% of the year. If an airborne virus gets out (and covid19 is capable of airborne transmission), it could potential blow through the town and infect tens of thousands of people in a few hours.

The medical facilities here are not really very good and certainly couldn't cope with 100 covid19 cases, let alone a thousand or more. They have modern equipment and nice people who try to help, but they are fuplie stupid and under equipped when it comes to beds and rooms at the hospital.

We have a small police station here that is always busy trying to deal with various criminal organisations and don't have the resources to monitor and maintain security at a quarantine facility.

The security guards in this town (along with lots of the people aged 20-40) are, how do I put this, suffering from a low IQ. Subsequently, they should not be allowed to guard a quarantine facility.

We struggle to get food and groceries whenever there is an outbreak anywhere in the country, and for the first 6 months of covid19, I couldn't get food from the shops or supermarkets here. How are we going to get food if they have 1000 sick people here and an outbreak?

These are just the main reasons we should not have a quarantine facility in this town and I'm sure there are others that will pop up if this goes ahead.
I think Sam’s Club may offer it. Not sure, cause we don’t shop at Sam’s Club
In the UK it's the NHS which is responsible for the vaccine. There are several tiers as to who gets it when based on age, medical conditions and frontline health/care workers. As we become eligible, we are contacted to arrange an appointment, though there are reports of people not eligible yet turning up at the end of a session and receiving the vaccine rather than throw away any left over doses.

In my case I'm in the 65 to 70 tier. I don't have the NHS app so they contacted me by letter. The day before it arrived, the GP surgery phoned and said can you come tomorrow.
My older son is 40 and he was contacted 2 weeks ago as part of the 40 to 45 tier. My younger son is 38 so he's still waiting.
The different countries that make up the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) have different timescales for each tier.
Got my vaccin invitation this morning...
Well, my year of birth is not yet next. But because I am chronically ill, I get it sooner. First shot will be on May 23rd. That's on a sunday.

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