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The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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How do you guys feel about the vaccine? Do you plan to take it?
If you'd asked a month ago I would have said "YES! IN A HEARTBEAT!"

However since Our Beloved Leader and his Cabal of Lying Hypocrites have postponed the second part of the vaccine, against the advice of the people who developed it, I am of the opinion that they are using the population as an experimental cohort, and they can forget it.
From your own link:
from Public Health England, said the new variant recently discovered in the UK, and the one found in South Africa, are "very different" and are "different mutations".
Well from what I understoo from thread post on here the issue was about 'new' more virulent strains in general (two of which from SA)and not discussing specific strains/mutations...

TBH I am more concerned about my BMW coolant pressure issue. Anyone here use a LPG system in their vehicle please IM me.
If you'd asked a month ago I would have said "YES! IN A HEARTBEAT!"

However since Our Beloved Leader and his Cabal of Lying Hypocrites have postponed the second part of the vaccine, against the advice of the people who developed it, I am of the opinion that they are using the population as an experimental cohort, and they can forget it.
Me too.

History won’t remember them well.
You’d expect every decision to be announced after a discussion along the lines of ”how is this gonna look in 20years?”. Yet it obviously isn’t.
This lot seem to have the inbuilt self belief/arrogance that they can do no wrong that oozes from privately educated pores all over the nicer parts of London and the Home Counties.
The truth twisting infidelitymeister in chief is live on national TV in 25 mins no doubt to announce their latest u turn. I’m predicting it’s schools to be shut for a month at least being announced less than 24 hrs after he told everyone they were being kept open.
This is the idiot who less than 24hrs after being told without lockdown the U.K. would be staring at 250,000 dead by Xmas stood outside a hospital boasting that he’d been shaking hands with everyone he met in there.
Hed serve his country and the electorate best by announcing he was resigning tonight.
Heaven help us all.
Me too.

History won’t remember them well.
You’d expect every decision to be announced after a discussion along the lines of ”how is this gonna look in 20years?”. Yet it obviously isn’t.
This lot seem to have the inbuilt self belief/arrogance that they can do no wrong that oozes from privately educated pores all over the nicer parts of London and the Home Counties.
The truth twisting infidelitymeister in chief is live on national TV in 25 mins no doubt to announce their latest u turn. I’m predicting it’s schools to be shut for a month at least being announced less than 24 hrs after he told everyone they were being kept open.
This is the idiot who less than 24hrs after being told without lockdown the U.K. would be staring at 250,000 dead by Xmas stood outside a hospital boasting that he’d been shaking hands with everyone he met in there.
Hed serve his country and the electorate best by announcing he was resigning tonight.
Heaven help us all.
Sending children in to schools today against medical advice, and the pleas of headteachers everywhere - FOR ONE DAY (they MUST have known they were going to lock down) - was an act of such crass stupidity and arrogance that it beggars description.

They are so determined not to seem swayed by experts, or agreeing with the opposition, that they hold onto their stupid diktats even when they KNOW a) they are wrong and b) they'll have to backtrack anyway.

They were forced to backtrack on Christmas - and did it in such a way that they actually encouraged people to rush out of the capital to visit relatives. Now schools - but not before they've given children a day to swap infections of all sorts (including Covid) with each other and the staff. (I admit I have a dog in this race, because my son is a school lab technician and my daughter-in-law is a teacher. Both have tested positive for Covid, have recovered and are back at work.)

I am a funeral minister and our priest and I have been conducting funerals hand over fist for months - you would not believe how depressing and upsetting it is. I could honestly just sit and weep.

This corrupt and inept govt should be charged with manslaughter.
And a lady that came into Australia didn't want to go into quarantine and made a break for it. She spent several hours on the run and is now in prison, in a quarantine section because she has covid19. They are unsure how many people she contaminated when out in public but she went to shops and other places with lots of people.
This lady from a week ago, was just released on bail by the courts. She lied to the courts and gave them a fake address as to where she was going to stay while on bail. The cops checked the address last night and nobody living there has even heard of the woman. She is now back in jail, where she will remain until her court hearing at the end of February.
So the uk is back in lockdown ... for 80% of us probably a good call but the whole phrase key worker has lost me , apparently in a key worker because my job keeps the country going apparently so to all other key workers how do you feel about being used ? Knowing that non key workers are safe guarded while we effectively pose as bait for a virus so others can stay at home , is it just me that is bitter about this , If we are so key to the country then why are we being exposed more than any others what happens when all the key workers are sick , anybody feel this way or anybody got any encouraging words to make people like myself less bitter

Britain could be covid restriction free by end of February.

Sounds good.
That is a lie because are Prime Minister is such an idiot. And also schools are closed till mid February. I'm currently in an online class doing history but I have finished the work so I'm on here readin through the threads.
Also my mum is a key worker and she's a TA (teaching assistant) so she has to be in her school for kids who are vulnerable. Now I'm confused because I am worried that she is going to get Covid and that I won't be able to see her. Hopefully on the weekend I can see her and stay at hers for a week but I don't really see that happening.
"Idiot" is an understatement.

I think he's criminally inept and has purged the cabinet of anyone who disagrees with him.
I hop they throw the book at that stupid, selfish woman, Colin.
I think they will. It's been all over the news and the police minister is furious about it so hopefully they will throw the book at her and lock her up for a bit. Maybe till after covid ends.

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